View Full Version : TERPS Circling Approach

6th May 2024, 07:52

For PAN-OPS, it is very clear that the maximum manoeuvring speed is 205kts for a CAT D aircraft. An aircraft should not exceed 205kts for the whole approach.

For TERPS, it is referred to as threshold IAS which is vref, or 1.3 Vso at max landing weight. For a CAT D aircraft, it should not exceed 165kts. So, how do I know what is the maximum manoeuvring speed to fly the approach, from downwind-base-finals if it only states the maximum threshold speed? Does it mean I have to maintain max of 165kts throughout the approach?

Thank you

6th May 2024, 08:40
Either that, or if your aircraft has a circling speed higher than the max Vref for the category then you should use the minima for the category you are now in.

6th May 2024, 09:01
The maximum speed is determined by which procedure is being used; which chart.
These speeds relate to turning performance within the safe area.
The geometry and safe areas for PANS-OPS and TERPS differ.

7th May 2024, 08:48
https://skybrary.aero/articles/circling-approach-difference-between-icao-pans-ops-and-us-terps%23:~:text%3DUnited%2520States%2520Standard%2520for%252 0Terminal,FAA%2520Order%2520No%25208260.3C.&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwjfuNL8kfuFAxWpXEEAHVCoDYYQFnoECA8QBQ&usg=AOvVaw3lHolT2bFqkVP1dlaKCasYskybrary

7th May 2024, 12:22
4R, Link broken; was this what was expected?



or this - https://skybrary.aero/sites/default/files/bookshelf/1429.pdf n.b. and old article, check your charts !