View Full Version : ATC Pay Rises ?

1st Apr 2024, 23:55
What has been the ball park % increases achieved in recent negotiations around the world going forward ?

2nd Apr 2024, 12:03
Copied from a contributor to the ATC Protected Industrial Action thread in the "Australia, New Zealand & Pacific" sub-forum.

"For comparisons sake, controllers in NZ got 5.9% in 2022, 7.2% in 2023 and next week we get another 5.7%"

In AUS offered 11.2 over 3 years which is unacceptable.

What do the global %s look like ? Is there interest out there in these kinds of comms up for discussion or do we all hide under our rocks and pretend no one else exists ?

8th Apr 2024, 02:08

16th Apr 2024, 16:18
Here in Canada we had:
2023: 8%
2024: 5%
2025: 4%
2026/2027 3% each
which is about 25% increase over a period of 5 years.

8th May 2024, 01:47
Anyone know any details on this quote I managed to copy from a paywalled news story ?

"The main air traffic controllers’ union in France called off a strike late last month after reaching a deal with management over working conditions"

And this in another earlier story,

"Although the details of the agreement are not fully known, it revolved around negotiations over changes to the job role of air traffic controllers in France.

It also included the strike notice for May 9 - 11 being lifted as part of the deal.

These negotiations had been ongoing for 15 months before breaking down in April 2024.

Unions alleged that the DGAC had published parts of a deal they had not agreed to without informing them, leading to a ‘lack of trust’.

The negotiations have now been re-opened and it is hoped a final agreement will be signed in the coming months.

In return for a higher workload and more responsibilities in managing air traffic flow, unions are calling for salary increases and a recruitment drive for the profession.

Air traffic unions previously committed to an ‘Olympic Truce’, promising no strike notices would be filed between June and September so as to not hinder this summer’s Games in Paris."

Random ATCO
1st Jun 2024, 08:51
If air traffic controllers in Europe do not strike this summer, the best and only opportunity for getting a fair compensation package will be lost.

Every year the tax man takes more from our salaries.

Every year we work more hours.

Every year rotation at each shift worsens, traffic goes up, night shifts are more demanding.

And still pay and compensation stay the same... and no one but the French controllers move!!! Come on guys, what's going on? Let's STRIKE!!!