View Full Version : FRA/EDDF noise abatement requirements

18th Feb 2024, 07:44

First off, my airline/operator does not operate into FRA unless it is used as an alternate, which is usually avoided if possible. We instead operate regularly to EDDK/CGN which has pretty strict noise abatement requirements and it is a big deal for the trainers; it's a huge focus of the training every year.

Recently we began conducting training exercises in the simulator for EDDF (diversion scenario) and I find the traininers are simply blindly applying CGN procedures to FRA. Namely:

220 max 190 knot minimum speed restriction between FL070 until 12 DME
A requirement to lower the landing gear at 2000 AGL or lower.
CDA requiring no less than 50 ft altitude change over 2 NM at all times for MD-11 and B747.

At FRA I do see the instruction to: "conduct the descent from FL070 as a continuous descent whenever possible". However I see nothing mentioned about specific altitudes for aircraft configuration, strict CDA definitions, or 220 knot speed restrictions, as I do at CGN. Are such requirements at FRA published someplace? I searched the manuals provided to me by my operator as well as the Germany AIP without finding any such speed or configuration requirements at FRA. Not that it would necessarily hurt anything to lower gear at 2000, but I don't think blindly applying the CGN 220 knot speed requirement to FRA would be very productive in real life. This is further complicated by a company-specific requirement to be fully configured prior to the final approach fix on non-ILS approaches, "except when operationally required" as is the case for CGN.


18th Feb 2024, 14:38
Indeed, the AOI and other documentation allow for some leeway and things are less regulated than on other fields. So allow me to approach this question from a practical standpoint.

Here´s a summary from my last few visits to FRA.

- In general, ATC works quite well and efficiently; there is no need to overthink it. Playing along is sufficient.

- Expect speed control already during descent, usually to the tune of 290/270 knots "or more" / "or less" depending on the controllers intended sequencing.

- Plan for the STAR and (long) transition initially, note the altitude restrictions: expect to be cleared accordingly and plan Your descent so You can achieve them when cleared. This will keep You within an altitude range allowing for shortcuts as well.

- In low traffic periods, expect to be taken off the arrival and turned into a base leg rather early. In higher traffic situations, there may be some transition flying involved. I have not flown holdings in FRA for some years, the last ones were involving nasty weather situations.

- Rate restrictions on arrival and base are to be planned for, something like 2000fpm or more. Expect to be at 4000 or 5000ft (depending on planned approach) for quite a while.

- Intermediate approaches to parallel runways are staggered: one side will intercept the glide out of 4000ft, one out of 5000ft.

- Runway assignment is done quite late, often when You are on base. If traffic allows, You may be offered a choice of left or right.

- Runway 07L/25R comes with a steeper G/A gradient requirement: 4.3° to 4130 on 25R, 4.1 to 4100 on 25L. If Your performance calculations say You cannot accept this, request 07R/25L, it will be given without discussions.

- Expect 220kts until shortly before glide slope intercept, then 170 until 5.

- The center runway is for departures. On occasion, a visual swingover from the southern runway will be offered. LH are usually quite keen on this, but a "no" is a perfectly valid answer and will be accepted without discussions.

- After landing on 25L/07R, before crossing 25C/07C, expect to taxi on M quite far down to the departure end, then be held at the CATII holding point (also in CAVOK) to wait for the crossing clearance.

- On ground, expect to be handed over between ground controllers surprisingly often. You will be cleared down one of the long taxiways to hold short of some intersection, then sent to the next frequency. This is usually seamless and does not cause many stops.

- Be warned: Ground vehicle traffic is dense and there are many taxiways crossing vehicle lanes. Ground vehicles are to give way to aircraft - in theory. Be ready to brake and stop when needed. Not always do they anticipate Your turn into a lane and stop, sometimes they will try to quickly cross in front of You.

18th Feb 2024, 17:49
Thank you Tu.114 for the detailed insights! I have operated into FRA but it has been 10+ years; doubt I will ever be back unless SLF or diverting.