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View Full Version : FAA PPL or EASA LAPL?

Andres Belgy
29th Dec 2022, 12:55

I am a European citizen, residing in Belgium.
Currently, I hold a valid FAA Class 1 and EASA LAPL medical.

I'm not able to obtain an EASA Class 2 due to the lack of depth perception.

My dream has always been to be a pilot. However, I am limited on options in EASA (LAPL is best I can obtain as of now).
In the States, I can go for PPL,CPL,.. due to the Class 1 medical.

My ultimate dream is to hold a CPL license, however, due to VISA related matters, I think it's difficult for me to pursue that career as a European in the U.S.

I will have to pick a path, but the choice is hard.

I was hoping some of you guys could give me advice on the following options I have in mind:

Forget the PPL/CPL,.. goals, and start EASA LAPL and fly just for fun.
Obtain FAA PPL, go back to Belgium, and convert it to an EASA LAPL (if possible) so I have both an FAA PPL and EASA LAPL. This gives me the possibility to pursue CPL,IR,. If I want to in the future.

Is it worth going for option 2 if there is a high chance you won't be able to pursue a career in the U.S.?

I think that option 1 is the 'cheapest' option but with fewer possibilities.
Option 2 however is more expensive, but will allow me to obtain more licenses ( i.e CPL, MER,IR..) if I really want to.

Also, does anyone know if it's possible to convert an FAA PPL to an EASA LAPL? Since I don't know if FAA recognizes a LAPL.

I look forward to your answers.

Happy holidays!


29th Dec 2022, 13:58
I find it very strange that you qualify for a FAA Class 1 but can't obtain a EASA Class II as both are supposed to adhere to the same ICAO standards. Perhaps you need to seek some more medical advice.
You can obtain a LAPL on the basis of a FAA PPL. it is no different from converting to an EASA PPL Reg 220/723. You are correct that the FAA will not recognise the LAPL however; they will recognise the instruction given, towards a FAA licence. provided the instructor holds an ICAO licence and rating.
I would suggest that you train in Europe towards a LAPL whilst you try to resolve the medical issue. Make sure that the instructor is not limited to "LAPL only" as the hours gained might not be recognised by the FAA. Once you have a LAPL you can upgrade to a PPL or use the training towards a FAA PPL.

31st Dec 2022, 09:16
I'm a bit confused. If you have an FAA PPL (or Airman's Certificate as they like to call them), why does the FAA need to recognise a LAPL? (They don't, by the way, it is a sub-ICAO licence)

If there is an FAA PPL -> LAPL conversion route, I'd be interested in learning more. AIUI, you first had to convert to an EASL/CAA PPL then downgrade. If there is a better/cheaper/quicker route, then I'd like to know.

