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View Full Version : China moving forward (COVID rules)

7th Dec 2022, 11:22
Well, well.


Your translate is as good as mine, mainlanders would go for https://fanyi.baidu.com/. DeepL also nice: https://www.deepl.com/translator-mobile

The edict describes new rules for domestic cvic travel and some spread-prevention tools.

Still, it will hopefully have massive implications on everyone's jobs for the next summer. Once they start to travel internationally, it's said that up to 25% of global tourism revenue comes from them (fact-checking welcome).

Whichever companies started hiring and bettering their conditions a little already, that won't be enough. Time to keep up with the inflation. And the customers are ready​​ to pay for juicy tickets.

Check Airman
7th Dec 2022, 12:13
Welcome to 2021, we have interventions and are learning to live with the plague.

7th Dec 2022, 12:59
In 2021 the police have been still beating the protesters and freezing their accounts, just north of your border, right? Timing matches then, 😊.

PRC-US traffic is probably down to 10% levels, I think those who did not prepare already will be bleeding contract ink on your shores as well.

As long as you can keep from employing foreign en masse, there should be juicy 3 years ahead. No, I don't think Vlad the Lost Marble will send the nukes. Nor those behind him who still care would push the button.