View Full Version : Like Button

3rd Oct 2022, 12:14
Dear fellow Paxers,
We have introduced a 'Like' button to all the forums. Which should appear at the bottom, right hand end of posts. This is to bring us a bit more up to date with other discussion sites. I am very pleased to see this as I have often wanted to agree with a post but not clog up with short messages.

3rd Oct 2022, 15:48
Many forums have a "dislike" button, too. :O

3rd Oct 2022, 17:00
Really DRUK? Nobody in PRRuNe ever dislikes anybody or their posts - as you well know. Really the very idea is shocking and I've let the CC know they are not to serve you pudding at dinner.

4th Oct 2022, 13:37
Selling my Like to the highest bidder.

4th Oct 2022, 14:27
Many forums have a "dislike" button, too. :O

They're trialling it in Jet Blast.... :ok:

4th Oct 2022, 19:41
Jet Blast generally trials everything to the bitter end with no survivors ...

5th Oct 2022, 13:26
Been available on FlyerTalk [another IB forum] for ages with no grief. I'm just not seeing the option on the Forums I use.

5th Oct 2022, 16:39
Yes. Each company implements features in their own way. What we have is what we have. Not ideal but we Mods think it is better than nothing. As you may know, we Mods are independent and do this because we enjoy it. I have the smallest responsibility which is the 'Cabin' and I don't have authority in any other forum. For the most part, I avoid Jet Blast!! Sometimes regulars in here ask me questions or voice concerns about other forums in PPRuNe and that is fine, glad to help if I can.

5th Oct 2022, 16:58
check Problems and queries - the Mods are keeping people posted there

Mr Optimistic
7th Oct 2022, 13:43
Jet Blast generally trials everything to the bitter end with no survivors ...
.....and no conclusion.

9th Oct 2022, 18:40
Is this what you had in mind?:}

10th Oct 2022, 07:47
Does the person with the most likes win a prize ? :)

10th Oct 2022, 08:14
A thread named after them on Jet Blast I'll bet

10th Oct 2022, 12:28
A thread named after them on Jet Blast I'll bet

In that case, I don't want any likes. That sounds like a punishment.

10th Oct 2022, 17:20
but fame! Fame !! FAME!!!!

put it in your CV!

10th Oct 2022, 18:05
I am delighted that the Cabin is taking this subject so seriously.

10th Oct 2022, 19:33
but fame! Fame !! FAME!!!!

put it in your CV!

Nobody is interested in my CV...and that includes ME.

11th Oct 2022, 16:29
Regarding the "Like" button. Good stuff, I have often wanted to send an appreciation but didn't feel it was worth cluttering up the forum with it and so usually refrained.

I do feel that the "Like" reporting leaves a little to be desired. Hope you don't mind me sticking my oar in, of course feel free to ignore me completely:-)

I disliked the bold "The following NN users liked this post by XXX:" so much that I made a browser filter for it and I don't see it. There does need to be something there though if only for new users.

Suggestion - Make the text much shorter and much less prominent. For example just make it say "Likes: NN", or "NN Likes". Change the font to not bold. Put it at the top left of the box, to me it looks weird floating in the middle.

I don't like the prominence of the actual likes field relative to the rest. My eyes keep getting drawn to it.

Suggestions -

A. Most user names are mostly lower case and so the blue text is maybe OK. Does two spaces after the comma work, doesn't work on pPrune messages I don't think?

B. I think the date is FAR too prominent. I would just do away with it. If you like it then use a smaller font (because the digits are effectively capitals). Get rid of the brackets. Maybe just have month and year? Maybe consider a softer colour, but there are probably enough colours already.


11th Oct 2022, 16:40
Following from my last post here is another aviation forum I sometimes look at.

The likes reporting (and perhaps all controls) are much more discrete. I think this makes it easier to read the posts.



12th Oct 2022, 09:26
Rather than "dislike" perhaps a "disagree" button might be a little softer? :)

Dont Hang Up
18th Oct 2022, 06:35
Dear fellow Paxers,
We have introduced a 'Like' button to all the forums. Which should appear at the bottom, right hand end of posts. This is to bring us a bit more up to date with other discussion sites. I am very pleased to see this as I have often wanted to agree with a post but not clog up with short messages.
Am I missing something?
I only see the 'Like' button on a very few threads (such as this one).

18th Oct 2022, 07:44
Its being trained on hard threads like Australia and rotorcraft I beleive

if they can understand it the rest of us will

30th Oct 2022, 15:31
Am I missing something? I only see the 'Like' button on a very few threads (such as this one).

I don't even see the 'Like' button on this thread. Is that because I'm new, or has it disappeared already? Was the experiment really that short?

30th Oct 2022, 21:39
Hello, Pip Pip, and welcome to the cabin. I do not know if the Like is only available to those who have passed the "I'm new here" winning post. Please do stay around to find out!

30th Oct 2022, 22:54
Thanks S.o.S. I will stick around...

The delayed introduction of the 'Like' button does have an amusing effect where the profiles of longer-standing Pruners are concerned. The first time I saw giants of the forum with >10,000 posts next to their name and zero Likes, I thought to myself 'tough crowd'.

But, truth be told, I liked that there were no Likes. Before I joined up, part of me hoped that the 'Like' button had always been available to members, but that nobody had ever felt the need to overtly express their approval in this manner. Simpler times...

31st Oct 2022, 08:51
I'm not seeing the like button on many threads - but no doubt the march of progress will see to that

31st Oct 2022, 11:32
It is true, Pip Pip, that as soon as we saw your registration - we knew your posts were going to be liked. :ok: You will also find a level of 'joshing' in here - but always polite. Non polite gets you turfed out onto the wing.

15th Apr 2023, 22:58
Logged in but I have yet to see a like button on any posts? What am I doing wrong?

16th Apr 2023, 02:14
Hello herostratus. Just to show that we do not discriminate against our antipodal cousins. Welcome to the Cabin, on the basis that I do not recall seeing your name on the passenger list. Apologies if you have been overlooked.

8th Jul 2023, 12:58
Hi, I am new to the forum but have been following the Ukraine war since the start and I am having the same problem as Herostratus, I cannot see the "like" button on any forums. I am mostly a lurker but from time to time would like to acknowledge someones post. Do I need to do something to enable the button?

9th Jul 2023, 10:57
Hello talby33 and welcome to the Cabin of PPRuNe.

We have limits on new accounts to ward off 'Bots' placing adverts and scams before we (the Moderators) have time to kick them out the door. Please respond to a post with a helpful comment and, perhaps a related experience of yours. In short order you will have posted enough for us to know that you are real and the restrictions are then lifted.

By all means use the 'Odds n Sods' thread to introduce yourself. Have you been lurking for long? Are you Pax or 'trade' staff?

9th Jul 2023, 12:44
Thanks SOS, sorry I am not air staff in any way, it's just that this is the best place I've found to follow the events in Ukraine. I'll see if I can find some useful comments to make. Slava Ukraini.

13th May 2024, 12:31
Dear fellow Paxers,
We have introduced a 'Like' button to all the forums. Which should appear at the bottom, right hand end of posts. This is to bring us a bit more up to date with other discussion sites. I am very pleased to see this as I have often wanted to agree with a post but not clog up with short messages.
Hello there - not all posts have the like button - is that a setting the thread initiator, or moderator has turned off? Or a technical issue?

13th May 2024, 15:19

14th May 2024, 11:23
My colleagues and I are currently discussing this issue. The LIKE button is not currently available in all forums and is still restricted for newbies. I'll get back to you.

15th May 2024, 13:26
The main advantage of the Like button is that you don't have to quote the Post you like and put in an emoji or whatever - it saves a lot of space when a few people LIKE it

16th May 2024, 11:04
It is the case that the Like button is currently only available in certain forums and we do not know the roll out.
It is the case that use of the button is restricted until you have completed a certain number of posts. As you may know, this also applies to being able to include Links and so on. We need to be sure that each newbie is genuine, as we are constantly banning 'Bot' posts or those who try to get free advertising.

PPRuNe is owned by Internet Brands (https://www.internetbrands.com/) and they control the whole system. Any changes to software are done by them. Naturally we (the Moderators) have a constant dialogue with them and the staff that have responsibility for PPRuNe but we can only ask <STRONGLY> and it works out pretty well. Some of my colleagues have been involved since the site was established (around 2000, I think) by a pilot who was then working for VS, he is now retired but does check in now and then.

23rd May 2024, 17:50
Hello, Pip Pip, and welcome to the cabin. I do not know if the Like is only available to those who have passed the "I'm new here" winning post. Please do stay around to find out!
What is the winning post? My website (free, no ads, no cookies, just for fun) has some civil aviation history related stuff and I'd like to quote its url in Pax & SLF, but I'm too much of a newbie as yet.

24th May 2024, 10:40
I can tell you that the Like Button has now been rolled out across the site. There may be one or two places where it is restricted.