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Grim Reaper 14
21st Aug 2002, 09:32
Following on from the Check ride discussions, wouldn't it be great if Flying Clubs and Hire organisations had some sort of agreement, whereby if you fly with Bodgit and Plummet in Anytown, they could give you a reference so that other Flying Schools (listed in the handy updated 2002 guide) would accept your business without putting you through said check ride (subject to examination of logbook and turd colorued licence, of course!).

Anyone fancy trying to set this up, or reach agreements between schools? It strikes me that most people in Aviation know everyone else, so it shouldn't be too difficult......should it?!

21st Aug 2002, 09:36
Great idea, but ...

Having my almost brand-new (few days old) FAA BFR in my logbook, the flight school just down the road insisted I do a checkride with THEIR bloke, too.

Was only one circuit, mind, and a US "close in" one at that.

Might be an insurance thing.

22nd Aug 2002, 10:51
Would you lend your new car on the recommendation of Arthur Daily. Who pays if he was wrong?

Grim Reaper 14
22nd Aug 2002, 11:01
I would if Arthur Daily was someone I knew and trusted. Someone who was a member of a trade body that I had signed up to, and was coming from a company who had insurance that accepted the trade body and its' charter for allowing 'recommended' pilots to hire aircraft without check rides.

Surely it's not that ridiculous a suggestion is it? What do I know....?

p.s. Did you mean Arthur Daley?! That changes everything!!!!;) ;)

Circuit Basher
22nd Aug 2002, 12:23
No, he actually meant Arthur Daly , which is a whole different kettle of worms (or can of fish, to mex my mitaphors :D :D )

Grim Reaper 14
22nd Aug 2002, 12:39
Was he the Cat who had his teeth removed?:confused: