View Full Version : Airplane covid simulation

18th Apr 2021, 22:55
Posting this really interest technology from the NY Times on Covid dispersal in an airplane. Not so much for the covid angle, but take a look at the simulation, and we could ask how this could applied to all kinds of interactive journeys for education, maintenance, crash analysis, training etc. And in this year, where 120 years on from the Wright Bros, we fly on Mars, but ironically, its hard to fly anywhere on earth. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/04/17/travel/flying-plane-covid-19-safety.html?referringSource=articleShare

19th Apr 2021, 01:13
Why why why do people put links to articles that are paywall protected?

19th Apr 2021, 01:19
So sorry that you couldn't access it. Works for me, no subscription. Must be a geographic thing.

Anti Skid On
19th Apr 2021, 03:44
And nine months earlier than the Wright's....

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Pearse - even got the configuration of the engine, prop and landing gear right! Sadly he wasn't close to civilisation.

19th Apr 2021, 08:15

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