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Douglas Mcdonnell
20th Aug 2002, 13:29
I heard that there is/was a planned strike by eastern guys on wednesday. Is this true, and if so, what was it about?

Cheers Dougy.

20th Aug 2002, 15:28
EAA was planning on staging a stop-work on Wednesday in order to have all pilots present at an afternoon meeting to discuss pay, conditions and working hours (so I believe).

Latest news is that it has been called off and all services will run to schedule (or near enough!).

20th Aug 2002, 21:24
Are the QLink crews standing together or will it be left to Easterns once again?

Hugh Jarse
20th Aug 2002, 23:02
Fj100, the planned stopwork only affected the Eastern pilot group, as it concerns EBA negotiations that have been dragging on for well over a year.

As you probably know, Sunstate and Southern work under seperate EBA's, although the latter pilot group probably will work under the Eastern EBA some time in the future, once integration is complete.

Douglas Mcdonnell
21st Aug 2002, 00:13
Thanks for the info gents. Good luck with the negotiations. Funny things those EBA's.

Pimp Daddy
21st Aug 2002, 00:38
Jarse - the Southern D8 guys swap over on 24th September.

Sue Ridgepipe
31st Aug 2002, 09:52
Heard the stop work meeting is back on for this Tuesday :eek:

31st Aug 2002, 09:59
What's it about??? Are they bashing their collective heads against the big brick wall???

2nd Sep 2002, 01:13
I hear its now to be held on tuesday 1230 to1700 and that Nat Jet pilots will do some of the flying in this period. ON ya boys!!:D

2nd Sep 2002, 03:19
can anyone give me an idea whats happened to all the southern guys ? what would have happened to someone Launy based 146 command for last 3 years? also what woulda happened to anyone Mildura based command approx 3 years ago? I have two old friends and no contact and would be interested to know what their recent fate has been . Anyone within southern with info and I can provide email for contact. Tanks in advance.:D

Hugh Jarse
2nd Sep 2002, 09:43
Wawoftam, can you please elaborate on your comments regarding National Jet?

Which aircraft and what routes would be a good start.

2nd Sep 2002, 11:23
jarse heard it may be coffs but this may be upteenth hand information

3rd Sep 2002, 10:47
We had the spanking new 738 doing a couple of runs on SYD-CBR today - the route which was most hit.

I think the 146 came from Southern, as I noticed that some CBR-BNE runs were cancelled, in favour of a 737 service.

3rd Sep 2002, 21:46
makes one wonder why there was minimal media coverage of this stopwork maybe qf has some influence? was anything gained?

Douglas Mcdonnell
6th Sep 2002, 11:57
Cog wheel, I guess they gained sympathy from the rest of the industry as to their terrible "PLIGHT". Life is tough at the top of the tree.

Capt Coconut
6th Sep 2002, 14:07
"Cog wheel, I guess they gained sympathy from the rest of the industry as to their terrible "PLIGHT". Life is tough at the top of the tree".
Yeh lovely statement Doug,you must be management.Happy with your 50% bonus while the rest of the workers struggle to get CPI after a wage freeze at the time Qantas are making record profits.
Its a shame we don't support all pilots trying to improve there lot in life.
You might not be at the top of the tree yet but when you get there hopefully it will be worthwhile thanks to the Eastern pilots willing to make a stand.

Douglas Mcdonnell
7th Sep 2002, 00:18
You are dreaming coconut. EAA is certainly not the sum total of Australian aviation. There are other companies in Aus you know. I just cant see how things can get so bad that stop work meetings are needed. Why is QF so antagonistic towards you?

7th Sep 2002, 05:16
Statement heard in Sydney today that "Southern pilot's are waisting their time applying" for mainline as senior operation staff in Qlonghaul said "they were not going to take regional pilots even if they think they have deals or concessions" because their jobs are gone or, are facing retraining back onto a turboprop
with the 40% pay cut that attracts.

What a lovely company to work for.

And you ask what the problem is? The above is a prime example of what is going on.

Trust is something you have to show in faith, both of these words donot exist with the current management of Q.

7th Sep 2002, 10:19
In relation to CANINE'S post, when Impulse made it known that pilots would be made redundant due to the cessation of 1900 services, they were offered "preference" to QF Mainline interviews, much like Southern I assume.

Out of the 20 or so who went through the process, 1 guy was hired (but he had a 717 slot, which he turned down for a Cathay 400 slot, which he turned down again for Qantas - and on two day's notice), 1 guy has been asked to come back in 6 months, and every other pilot has been rather unceremoniously told to "never re-apply". Even those whose attempt at the process this time was their first one.

Also, out of the 20, only 4 got past the psych and skills test.

Now I'm prepared to admit that in my case, I may have just made a meal of it (I doubt it, mind you), but I can't see how 19 guys who already worked for a Qantas subsidiary could be so bad that they couldn't even try once more a year or two down the track.

Smells like politics to me.

I genuinely hope some of the Southern guys are able to get mainline slots, but I wouldn't put money on it.

7th Sep 2002, 14:05
No one I know of at Southern has been sucessful out of 27 pilots that have sent in applications since April this year when they were told that Southern was being closed. Some guys have been told not to bother coming up for stage two as the results of tests 5 years ago indicate they are not suitable, others have been all the way through to medical and been told to nick off.

Only two guys that had long term active applications have been sucessful.

Says it all really, we must be the absolute scum of aviation damned if I know how there hasn't been serious accidents in the regionals with all those phsycological misfits flying the good ol' Q colours around.

Gotta Love the way they do things!!!!!

Douglas Mcdonnell
9th Sep 2002, 01:12
I would like to see these faceless managers thrown into a cockpit on a good old dark and dirty night and see how they feel then. Bean counters have always been and will always remain a handbrake to aviators who just want to fly.

Next time you have one in the jump seat make em squirm!!

Best of luck to all, cheers dougy.

9th Sep 2002, 02:15
In the interests of aviation safety my flight deck is a Q manager(used loosely, for the want of a more descriptive word) free zone.

The pricks can sit down the back and eat the crap they call food!

Hugh Jarse
9th Sep 2002, 07:22
You guys and gals should know that all QF are doing is paying lip service to whoever by interviewing pilots from their subsidiaries that they have no intention of hiring.

The trick is proving it......

The stream of pilots progressing from regional to mainline has been VERY thin in the 8 years I've been around. I have formed the opinion that if you want to work for mainline, then seeking employment in a subsidiary operation would actually be a bad move as far as career progression is concerned.

Caynine, do yo get my drift? ;):D

Alien Pilot
9th Sep 2002, 07:23

I fear you have the support of all your comrades!!!:D

9th Sep 2002, 09:25
HJ, how long did it take you to "form your opinion" in was blatently obvious back 6-7 years ago following the folly of the integration case and the fact the ******s recruited every CRJ driver they could out of KD so as to increase their costs.

I'm not bitter, it was my choice to accept the job with a Q regional, just seriously p*#sed orff about being treated as a second class employee when all we(all regionals) have ever done is to do the job to the best of our ability and with pride, obviously we were very naive and should have seen the big bag of horse sh*t coming our way and made the move elsewhere!!!

Pride and loyalty are well and truely non existant in the regionals now. What a pity, ahh, what might have been.

Hugh Jarse
9th Sep 2002, 09:58
About 1995, or 1 year......

I'm hearing you, dude. The company is only now coming to terms with the meaning of the word "goodwill", and the significant effect the absence of same will cause right across the company.

Even a dog knows the meaning of loyalty....If you kick it enough times it will either bite you or just go away.

9th Sep 2002, 11:37

At least we now know that we will be destined to spinning props for the rest of our illustrious, if not viewed by the top insignificant careers!!!

"May well we say God save the Queen, but nothing will save the regional pilots" (sorry Gough)

Douglas Mcdonnell
10th Sep 2002, 13:35
CAYNINE dont sell yourself short. The sky really is the limit.