View Full Version : Airbus - Limitations

22nd Mar 2021, 23:11
Im interested in what different Airline operaters expectations are in regards to memorising limitations published within the FCOM? While many of the limitations need to be recalled in flight, some are impractical to commit to memory.

I have been told some operator's will customise their FCOM and indicate some limitations that must be memorised?

Thank you.

23rd Mar 2021, 03:16
Must be learned by heart. In Russia.

Check Airman
23rd Mar 2021, 05:43
The entire section?

23rd Mar 2021, 05:47
Yes! No FCOM customisation ,except RCAM max X-wind. All additional limtations are published in company FOM.

Check Airman
23rd Mar 2021, 05:48
In the US, you're required to be familiar with all operating limitations, but some must be memorised, and that list varies from company to company. Some silly examples are fuel imbalance limits and crosswind limits for autoland.

Check Airman
23rd Mar 2021, 05:50

Strange. Do you have to know the flap speeds and APU operational envelope as well?

23rd Mar 2021, 06:01
In my outfit we have to remember everything as well. There’s nothing stopping us from referring to the books as and when it is required, but when it comes to licence renewal sim we would be asked randomly and we should at least have made an effort to remember them.

Thankfully instructors don’t ask the silly ones. :}

compressor stall
23rd Mar 2021, 06:29
IMHO you should be able to recall everything you might need to know immediately. eg. Speeds for wipers and gear etc.

Anything that is not urgent (can be thought about in a non dynamic environment - e.g. time between manual engine starts) should at least be able to be located promptly in the manuals. Even the obscure ones should be able to be located promptly. Especially with digital search functions these days.

People should also understand how to properly use the Boolean search functionality in the Flysmart app, and manual selection to narrow down search strings.

Alpine Flyer
23rd Mar 2021, 07:46
For those not urgent/dynamic you should at least know they exist. Given EFIS displays with color codes for insufficient values, dynamic redlines, etc. it does not make sense to memorise everything from the limitations section.

23rd Mar 2021, 08:40
Check Airman

Yes! And I also agree with dream747.

23rd Mar 2021, 13:35
Our memory item criteria: It is a safety-of-flight item, there isn’t time to reference the manual, or there is no associated indicator marking, placard, warning light or other indication available in the cockpit for immediate reference.

23rd Mar 2021, 13:52
I would have thought that if you need to ask 'Is this too quick for the wipers' then you probably don't need the wipers!

24th Mar 2021, 07:45
Limitations are not memory items. They are good to know but not required to memorize to safely operate the aircraft. Must have a great memory to remember all of them especially if you flying multiple types. The relevant limitations are always displayed in front of you.


Haha. Exactly my thought too. I still remember it tho thanks to this Mnemonic for A320: « Too dirty two thirty (230) » xD.

6th Apr 2021, 19:19
I always thought Limitations are protected on ECAM i.e. there's an attention getter for every AFM limit except one (Fuel Freeze temp limitation on Jet A).

Fursty Ferret
6th Apr 2021, 19:30
And outside of the SAT envelope.

Check Airman
7th Apr 2021, 01:23
...and gear extension

Bus Driver Man
7th Apr 2021, 21:16
I'm not able to memorise all of them. Maybe I'm getting old. I only know the relevant and frequently used limitations. For the others, I occasionally review them on my summary sheet.
Too many variants with different limitations in our fleet.

It was never mandatory to know all of them at any of the airlines I've worked for. As long as you know the basics and you're able to find the other quickly if you need them.