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View Full Version : Lured from the cockpit, they went down fighting.

13th Sep 2001, 04:02

13th Sep 2001, 04:11
Another take on this from the Washington Post -- "Passenger's Actions May have Helped Curb Tragedy"

13th Sep 2001, 21:32
Just heard on the news that some wreckage has been found about 6 miles away from the main one, raising speculation that there might have been a shoot down.

13th Sep 2001, 22:36
Gordo: Which flight are you referring to?

14th Sep 2001, 00:05
It always seemed likely to me that the aircraft crashed because either the crew or the pax fought back,and tragically were unable to regain control. Their story took a back seat to other horrors unfolding - naturally enough. But I hope that one day we will hear from the CVR/FDR just how incredibly brave they were,how much more destruction they prevented,and how nearly they made it. God bless every victim on those four flights,but particularly the ones who fought back.

14th Sep 2001, 00:15
I was just reading on our company websight that our national jumpseat coordinator was working with the FAA concerning the policy on jumpseats. I know that jumpseaters are a double edged sword, but I couldn't help thinking that a jumpseater would be a source of help in a fight.

14th Sep 2001, 00:28
more likely the aircraft was overstressed by a controll input during the struggle.
