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View Full Version : Where to sell aviation items?

19th Aug 2020, 10:47

I would appreciate any suggestions on where to sell aviation items. Not an aircraft, but small things: in-cockpit items, books, tie downs...
UKGA now charge £25 for adverts [OK for an aircraft but not small items]; the 'red-topped' forum has a 'For sale/wanted' section but traffic seems slow on this.
Which leaves Afors [but mainly aircraft, shares and parts] and eBay .. unless anyone has any other ideas?


19th Aug 2020, 12:06
There are various aviation sales forums on Facebook. I don't want to favour any particular one but those and the GA forums permit private ads for second hand equipment.

Dave Gittins
19th Aug 2020, 12:19
eBay seems to have a thriving section. No doubt there are other websites/sales sites / auction sites such as Craig's List, depending where you are.

19th Aug 2020, 21:14
Thanks for the suggestions; hadn't even thought of Facebook, doh! I didn't realise that Craigs List was in the UK; just had a quick look - but can't find any aviation items on there, despite the 'Aviation' category.
Thanks again BoeingBoy and Dave

20th Aug 2020, 18:23
eBay seems to think I'm interested in old and odd military stuff, with nothing appearing that is of use to GA.

21st Aug 2020, 08:00
eBay seems to think I'm interested in old and odd military stuff, with nothing appearing that is of use to GA.
Maoraigh, my experience was totally different with e-Bay. When I stripped the steam panel (including radios, transponder etc) from the part built aircraft I bought, to replace everything with glass/compliant kit, I sold everything over time through e-Bay, some bits going to Australia, USA etc. As long as your are in no rush to sell, the trick is to advertise each item slightly above what you think it is worth, and then when it doesn't sell, just repeat but slightly cheaper, until it finds its own price that will sell. It costs nothing to repeat advertise ( although the cut e-bay takes when it does sell is a bit steep, 10% I think).

21st Aug 2020, 20:49
Thanks. I'll have another look at eBay. I'm looking for serviceable instruments.