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24th Jul 2020, 19:14
What is the reason behind the 787 cockpit windshield scratching so easily, both on the inside and outside?

I've seen 6 month old 787s with more scratches on the inside than a 30yo spam can! Never encountered before on an older Boeing or Airbus.

25th Jul 2020, 00:10
That’s what 18 hours of long haul does to the pilots...

25th Jul 2020, 03:46
On the inside, possibly carelessness of people putting stuff up on the coming or while unstowing or re-stowing the HUD?

Fursty Ferret
25th Jul 2020, 11:03
Two reasons:

1. The plastic on the inside is incredibly soft.

2. The sunblinds are simply terrible and the only realistic way to get some relief is to stick a piece of paper from the printer to the screen to block out the sun. The paper scratches the window. See point 1.

25th Jul 2020, 17:05
The paper scratches the window. Paper - Rock - Scissors - Glass ? Who would have thought, not even on TBBT. :}

26th Jul 2020, 10:40
Two reasons:

1. The plastic on the inside is incredibly soft.

2. The sunblinds are simply terrible and the only realistic way to get some relief is to stick a piece of paper from the printer to the screen to block out the sun. The paper scratches the window. See point 1.

Re. #2, so no progress there from Boeing? The sunscreens/blinds in the 757/767 are crap.

27th Jul 2020, 08:44
People put laptops, headsets, big binders and all sorts near the windshield on other aircraft types, the glass does not scratch so easily. This is YABFU.

Also add to the list the chart holder clip on the yoke, WTF is that all about? So flimsy.

27th Jul 2020, 09:00
YABFU?? is that an abbreviation of something? (sorry, born in the previous century)

27th Jul 2020, 09:12
I must say we don’t seem to have any scratches on ours - and we operate some fairly old airframes (by 787 standards) - from 2012 or so...

27th Jul 2020, 15:14
YABFU?? is that an abbreviation of something? (sorry, born in the previous century)

I could be wrong but I assume it means "Yet Another Boeing F*CK UP"

Check Airman
27th Jul 2020, 18:40
Also add to the list the chart holder clip on the yoke, WTF is that all about? So flimsy.

that problem is easily fixed. Get a sidestick :E

Pugilistic Animus
9th Aug 2020, 17:09
that problem is easily fixed. Get a sidestick :E
NEVA!!! :}