View Full Version : Jet aircraft and keys

Vin Diesel
15th Aug 2002, 09:28
Whilst watching a recent Jerry Seinfeld routine, he was making an interesting observation on what are probably the real reasons for late departures of aircraft.

One of the funnier ones was when the captain had lost the keys to the plane. Hmm, do jet aircraft really have keys or not. I know I need keys to get a C150 going but what about Captain Charter going off to Ibiza with a package holiday crowd.

And if not, how does one start the aircraft. I know that international airports are generally v.safe but still should someone get airside that shouldn't be there could they really just take a 757 without permission just by knowing what buttons to push and in what sequence? Or do they at least have a sort of PIN code?

A trivial matter, but I dismissed the notion out of hand when Messer Seinfeld suggested it, but on more thought, is it really that ludicrous that an aircraft should have keys, it is a reasonably secure anti theft device at least. Anyway, a simple fatual answer will suffice, no need to laugh excessively at my innocence.



15th Aug 2002, 10:07
This same question was asked last week and the answer given was ... that the same question was asked a few weeks earlier!

If you use the search function you will find that which you seek.

15th Aug 2002, 21:56
PAX, why be a grumpy arse with your reply ?? Either give an answer or don't waste space.

Vin Diesel.... No my friend, MOST modern jet aircraft are not fitted with keys for doors or on F/D to start it, though some older stuff does have lockable doors. Please don't take mine tonight, I have to go to Vegas tomorrow ;)

15th Aug 2002, 23:48
Scally, it is true that I was grumpy. We have often seen repeated questions (and I see the same in other boards that I participate in). Search is the most basic function of the web and, naturally, messaging systems. People use search readily on the web but not on message boards.

I was probably too grumpy and maybe could have found other words to encourage (teach?) a new member how to make the best use of this fabulous system.