View Full Version : Fuselage Stretching

26th Apr 2020, 18:45
In the last week I came across a couple of articles mentioning fuselage stretching, something I hadn't heard about before. It makes sense in certain cases such as carrier based aircraft.


"Many KA-6 airframes had severe G restrictions, as well as fuselage stretching due to almost continual use and high number of catapults and traps."

Different reasons here due to geodetic construction...

The Vickers Wellington "was so adaptable, it could be made to do almost anything except tow gliders(due to fear of fuselage stretching like Lazy Tongs)"

https://books.google.ca/books?id=zHuuCAAAQBAJ&pg=PT12&lpg=PT12&dq=vickers+wellington+fuselage+stretch&source=bl&ots=Zbeb34Zt7S&sig=ACfU3U05utVnvP9ofgQD3VmjIJsSKqj-QQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiqtpPD3obpAhXGZs0KHdT5CbUQ6AEwDXoECAkQAQ#v=onepag e&q=vickers%20wellington%20fuselage%20stretch&f=false

Has anyone seen other reasons for fuselage stretching?