View Full Version : RAF Rubbish

10th Aug 2002, 23:06
I have found that the half wit facist's RAF idiot village people not onlt to be useless bull****ters , but the right wing 'duh' tabloid readers Have made my trade not viable. I just will not work with the " I am a leader" village idiot's again.
Not sure if I can mention lickspittle gutless asskissers here. (what does viable mean ? look it up)

10th Aug 2002, 23:13

Gin Slinger
10th Aug 2002, 23:22
Are you saying vote Conservative?

10th Aug 2002, 23:22
The pubs are shut then?

10th Aug 2002, 23:29
mY thorts ekzackly.


10th Aug 2002, 23:33
deeply disturbing........

but interesting

11th Aug 2002, 01:11
...and the village populous joined police teams to scour the countryside for it's missing idiot...

11th Aug 2002, 01:58
I think I may have it. Probably failed OASC paper selection stage, due to insufficient grade in GCSE Oriental Basket Weaving.

Alternatively, I'll have a large one of whatever he's having, please.

Talking Radalt
11th Aug 2002, 06:42
...and these "idiot Village People" you mention.

A motor cycle cop,
A native American,
A construction worker,
A sailor (Hmm, nice boy),
A chap wearing lots of leather...

...per chance?

Young man! There's no need to feel down!


11th Aug 2002, 06:50
Hmmm....rather a disturbingly in-depth knowledge of the Village People there, Talking Radalt!

Whoever Lemmon_drop_kid is, I hope that this morning's headache will soon wear off. He might even sober up, grow up and delete this stupid thread.

Nil nos tremefacit
11th Aug 2002, 08:17
LDK at least most of these half-wits can spell and punctuate correctly.

If we start with only one 'm' in lemon and move on to facist (sic) we can see a trend developing. Both 'facist's' and 'idiot's' (my parenthesis) have unnecessary apostrophes. You are confusing the possessive state with plurals, I am afraid. 'Idiot's' refers to something belonging to one idiot; I think you meant 'idiots', as in more than one.

Your capitalisation is poor. 'Have', in the middle of a sentence, does not require a capital letter since it is not a proper noun. Indeed, have is not a noun. You have placed 2 sentences inside brackets. This is, again, unnecessary and, since neither sentence begins with a capital letter, grammatically incorrect.

You also lack the ability to identify, in sentences, when a comma is required. The comma is used to separate a series of words where in speech there would be a natural pause or where a series of linked, but separate, words are used in series.

I would have said,'lickspittle, gutless, asskickers..'

I hope that this is helpful and will not further serve to strengthen your prejudices against serving or former RAF personnel. You will certainly find that about 50% of RAF officers could certainly have the epithets 'lickspittle', 'gutless' or 'asskickers' appended to their names without any real disagreement, but you will find there are many who you can work with.:p

11th Aug 2002, 12:29
Were you staggeringly drunk when you bust into print or has some one nicked my Babel-fish again?:confused:

Mr C Hinecap
11th Aug 2002, 13:33
****, ****, nuns, aerse.
phnarr phnarr

I'm with you lemmon

Rule number 1:

Just don't taunt the loony.
Had a guy at Cranners with me - eventually got injunctions to keep him away from the place, but had joined 'to kill people'. He was claustrophobic & afraid of the dark - branch of choice........??...

GD (P)


Talking Radalt
11th Aug 2002, 15:28
Actually Beags I was only partially right.

Formed in 1977 the Village People were:

A GI (although he occasionally appeared as a sailor)
A cowboy
A native American
A cop
A construction worker
And finally, funny old thing, a biker.

For images, artiste profiles, tour dates (yep they're STILL going!), and heaps of other overtly camp activity visit


(or give 28Sqn a call...."allegedly"):p

11th Aug 2002, 17:08

11th Aug 2002, 20:38

"A GI (although he occasionally appeared as a sailor)" Early attempt at jointery?

I bet you know all the moves to 'YMCA' too ;)

11th Aug 2002, 21:19

I doubt that 'In the Navy' was particularly joint....

11th Aug 2002, 21:21
I tend to agree with the Lemon Drop Kid's analysis, with, however, two minor reservations:

1) I feel it shouldn't be permitted in Warwickshire, and

2) Eight Shillings per pound would probably be a fairer price.

Dan Winterland
11th Aug 2002, 22:22
A little known and barely interesting fact is that only two of the village people were actually gay. Don't ask me how I know!

11th Aug 2002, 23:33
They just didn't fancy YOU, Dan......

12th Aug 2002, 01:20
Which ones Dan?

I seem to remember the original Construction Worker died of AIDS a few years back........

Read it somewhere...

Talking Radalt
12th Aug 2002, 01:29
...yeah? If you want Village People triv try this for size:
One of them played a Ninja Turtle in the live action movie. :cool:


It's fun to stay at the...

Min Decent Ht
13th Aug 2002, 17:35
So according to DW, it only makes you gay if you take it, right??:eek:

Hey LDK, my counter point:
Utdrc 8itvgfap wvh pawuivgy abp wef ypher bhp uapghanpu!!!
So there. Any come back?

13th Aug 2002, 18:54
Sorry Dan, and while I know that you know a lot of serious rubbish how do you know that?

Hope all is well in your world.

Tonks :D

This is the best thread I have read for ages, mainly cause I have no clue what its actually about :)

14th Aug 2002, 21:04
He knows it because of his Morris Dancing connections! Thanks for rescuing the hamster Dan, needless to say we had a few more nights in that bar before the jet was fixed!

Dan Winterland
15th Aug 2002, 21:21
Speci - noworriesmate. I saw the hamster back with it's owners, alive and well!

I would like to point out to those who don't know the story of the aforementioned rodent, it has nothing to do with the Petshop Boys!

16th Aug 2002, 05:06
And it wasn't a gerbil with its hair on fire then eh???????

:D :D :D :D

Oops finger trouble on apostrophes!!!! :D BEags

17th Aug 2002, 08:07
Dan W,

Are you sure it wasn't only ONE of village people, the North American Indian, who was gay?

And how is your collection of sticks, bells and hankies?

Dan Winterland
17th Aug 2002, 08:47
Not sure. I learned this snippet of information by one of our male cabin crew - who appear to be well informed in these matters!

No sticks bells or hankies in my collection - just a baseball bat!

17th Aug 2002, 08:50
Wholi' - apostrophe abuse alert!!

Speccers might have some quirks - but he's no felcher!

18th Aug 2002, 09:36
I feel we may be moving away from the original thrust of this thread. Actually I think lemmon drop kid has a valid point, very eloquently put as well….:D

19th Aug 2002, 23:03
A cry from the heart for the abolition of the broadsheets from the lickspittle ass kisser's mess??? The citrus sweety has articulated with all the righteous indignation of an outraged piece of confectionary who has been been maliciously popped into the wrong orfice.

Talking Radalt
19th Aug 2002, 23:46
oh do shut up, next you'll be referring to The Village People as a:
"popular beat combo of inclined-gradient horticultural persuasion"

It's fun to stay at the:

20th Aug 2002, 14:54
LDK's Biography:

Ex Hatfield apprentice, Now live in Twickenham, I have mostly worked in the aircraft 'contract' sector, and MOD prjects ( VC10 tankers, Victor Tankers. Harrier Mods, Recenly Worked on 767 Modifications (seat rails) in Copenhagen


20th Aug 2002, 16:13

Like your style...

... when did you attain the black belt in ISS?

Talking Radalt
20th Aug 2002, 22:11
What is the relevance of:
a) 767 seat rails
b) working on them in that well known centre of aviation engineering......Copenhagen.

??? :( ???

Is this some sort of secret code between followers of The Village People?

Steve Davies
20th Aug 2002, 23:12
His profile reminds me of the fast show sketch where the guy comes out of the shed in his ramshackle clothes and announces:

'Dis week, I aaare 'bin mostly werkin arn MOD prarjects' :D

Talking Radalt
21st Aug 2002, 18:05
In't seat rails brilliaaaaaaaant!
They're like, long n raily n keep seats off floor n stuff, Brilliaaaaaant!:D

23rd Aug 2002, 15:57
Greetings! I'm a newcomer to the world of whingers, complainers, the offended, the mightier than thou, those who left but still stick their oar in and those who enjoy woodwork in their spare time -no! - in fact all the time - the chiselers!!!! So I'm posting my first ever thoughts on pprune in response to Lemmon Drop 'cause quite frankly it's obvious to me that the man is a philosopher! He obviously thinks on a much deeper level than the rest of us mere mortals! And I agree entirely! Foucault? Thomas Paine? Descartes? Darwin? Nah especially not Darwin - because that would assume evolution and we all know that certain military flying establishments haven't evolved since 1918!!!!!! Well the mindset anyway.

23rd Aug 2002, 19:12
To continue radalts theme...

you know that fitting seat rails is a lot like making love to a beautiful woman.....

23rd Aug 2002, 19:18
Although I am unsure what this thread is all about and am unable to guess where it will go.

at least it makes a change in what has been a relatively dull few weeks in the Mil A/C forum...


23rd Aug 2002, 21:19
Seems to me that the LDK has been mixing a little too much MDMA with his G&T - but this thread with no thread thing is more entertaining than some of the snoozegrams in the MAF.:confused:

24th Aug 2002, 20:04
OK here's the gen, Ben..

Only the lead singer was straight but he was so smacked out on Charlie the band management sacked him.

None of the poofs died of AIDS as they all reformed for a reunion 2 years ago (apart from the lead singer - who is still persona non grarsetis).

How do I know? It was 0500 in LA and I had a a choice either the VP rockumentry on Biography channel, CHIPS on TBS or a cooking infomercial on Discovery.

Anyway back to my Pet Shop Boys videos.

PS. OK LDK I know you're really Bill Wratten trying to join in...

25th Aug 2002, 21:33
Maybe L D K spent the last few years manning the "Mighty Wessex"! this explains why he now finds himself in a non viable position as even he thought he'd been in employment until the arrival of the Merlin. (complete with self cleaning and adjusting seats)

Joking aside, somebody has to be in charge of the troop seats (Loadmaster - normally far too busy - map reading).

:) :D ;)

Dan Winterland
26th Aug 2002, 11:00
Thank you dunhovrin. My mind is at rest now. It's amazing what you learn from hotel TV in the wee small hours in the USA. My favourite is the history channel, as the HBO movies tend to be a bit dire that time of the day. Oh, the joys of long haul!

PS. Must get round to sending the picture of you juggling chicken heads! :eek:

Divergent Phugoid!
26th Aug 2002, 11:31
I take it you failed OASC recently then?? Nevermind you could always try Zeppelin polishing, I hear that you dont have to be too elloquent nor articulate either... The job is yours!! (oh and they too speak another language!)

:D :D :D :D :D

26th Aug 2002, 12:51
Being a half-wit engineering type myself I think I can see what the poor demented chap from Twickers is whinging about. He is directing his ire at the "lickspittle gutless asskissers" in other words - your very own Airships. For a scrum half who has had his head kicked in once too often I think he expresses his emotions very well. Definitely commission material.

In the Army, that is... ;)

Through difficulties to the cinema

26th Aug 2002, 14:57
Yes, DW - SpamVision is indeed truly dire. At any time of day!! Still, if you don't want to watch TV I suppose you can always have a quick practice with the hankies and bells......

Tried calling you 'tother day as discussed. Keflavik Wx was truly vile and we left asap! Got home on Saturday after 20:30 in 3 days and 6 legs, some longhaul, some shorthaul. I hope that your NooYaaark hotel wasn't toooo uncomfortable or the Virgin toasties toooo luvverly!

Dan Winterland
26th Aug 2002, 19:12
Nah, the NY hotel was in the middle of an enourmous car park on long island, the hosties all went to bed early as soon as the free berr ran out - as usual. We were on a NAT track V south, so wouldn't have heard you.

28th Aug 2002, 17:43
I disagree with LDK, the RAF are not rubbish. Any organisation that can produce such tasteful calendars like that shown in the Current Bun today must have a lot going for it!!!

Of course, I had to get a crab to read the words to me, but the pictures speak for themselves!;) :D

28th Aug 2002, 22:18
After working on the seat rails in Copenhagen I moved to Twickenham, which was nice.

29th Aug 2002, 06:36
I've cracked it. This thread is code, right? It details plans for the upcoming Iraqi invasion, obviously. The "Village" referred to in "Village People" is obviously Bagdhad, and the Village people are Bagdhadis. Or however you spell it.
"Gay" is a euphamism for happy, as after the invasion only two of them will be; the Iraqi opposition, and the Kurdistan Workers' Party.
The other Village People will be taking it, alright. No two ways about that.
Far from being an incoherent drunken malcontent, LDK is a deep cover agent providing details of dissatisfaction within Saddam's own regime.
The rails are railway tracks, which will carry the fleeing dictator to Copenhagen, seat of his government in exile. The famed liberal nature of the Danes will allow this to happen. Also, Saddam will fund his exile by exploiting the Danish porn industry, making movies of Bagdhadis (Big Daddies?) 'taking it'.

You int seen me....rroight?

Talking Radalt
29th Aug 2002, 18:05
"The other Village People will be taking it"

Does this actually make them gay? Or are you only gay if you give? Never can remember.

And is it "Bagdhadis" or "Bagdhadians"?
Does this make people from Canada...... "Canadadis"?:confused:

29th Aug 2002, 18:08
You've cracked it, Bluewolf!!!
I'll have a couple of pints of what you had and a babycham for the wife, cheers.
:D :D :D :D

Big Green Arrow
29th Aug 2002, 18:15
Well I reckon it's 'Bagdhadish'

Oh and by the way Jockspice...we All know that you're the Babycham drinker!

Tschuss, Servus and Malzeit one and all

31st Aug 2002, 18:33
Ref the defintion of gay:

A para once told me - you're only gay if you take it.

BEagle: DanW is lyin'. The NY hotel he refers to is a 24 hour pleasure palace where the beer is free and girls stay up all night listening to our WIWOS (WIWABN) stories...

Ed Winchester
31st Aug 2002, 22:36
Oh well, far be it for me to extricate this thread from the cesspit in which it is wallowing.......

A crewman once informed me that:

"You're only gay if you push back".

Talking Radalt
31st Aug 2002, 22:41
"When I Was On Shacks" per chance? in the same way WIWOV is "When I Was On Vulcans"?:)

1st Sep 2002, 00:15
I concur