View Full Version : CATS PPL Course Recent Reviews

4th Jan 2020, 16:53
Hey guys,

Wondering if anyone has recent reviews of the PPL course with CATS aviation including the refresher course?
I read some threads on this forum (from a decade ago), wondering if they are still ok or I should go with a better option. My other alternative is to stay with my aeroclub's course which is €1200 or a local CBT course at €999. I care more about value for the money than anything else, so I just want to hear opinions and experiences from people that took this route. Other aeroclubs are more convenient in price, but where I live transport makes it equally or even more expensive than staying local. So, long story short, I'm stuck with either a local course or CBT based.

7th Jan 2020, 11:26
I just obtained my PPL via CATS PPL online and it tooks me 4 months

20th Jan 2020, 19:13
Gladio, Could you give a little more information about the course? Did you attend the brush up course? Did you do the practical training with CATS? How did you find the content overall?