View Full Version : Radiotelephony oral exam locations

7th May 2019, 21:00
I'm struggling to find a list of locations where this exam can be taken? My google-fu is failing. Have found a list of approved examiners but no location details.
Looking for someone in NE England. The closer to Darlington the better.

7th May 2019, 21:49
Sherburn and Hull used to be the place to go to.

8th May 2019, 08:28
Thanks, will investigate!

8th May 2019, 19:36
Surely your local flying school should have a contact number for a “local” RT Examiner who could conduct the RT Practical?

8th May 2019, 19:52
You would think so, but the local guy passed away. Other schools seem to be sending everyone to Sherburn.

9th May 2019, 18:27
the local guy passed away
The tedium of being an FRTOL examiner for little reward is enough to kill off anybody...

9th May 2019, 18:54
I must admit I do it as a service rather than with a great deal of enthusiasm these days. It's OK when it's blowing a gale outside and but folk need to make bookings and its galling when it's flyable and we're stuck indoors for 3 hours.

11th May 2019, 21:39
Is a couple of hours instruction then the test about average? I've heard Eshott have someone, waiting for details!

28th Jul 2019, 17:52
I can highly recommend Tim at Eshott Airfield for the FRTOL training and exam!

30th Jul 2019, 18:04
Is a couple of hours instruction then the test about average? Its probably more than the average candidate has received. It takes 16 hours to do the job properly, then the test will be simple, but sadly most turn up and haven't got a clue!

30th Jul 2019, 18:36
" It takes 16 hours to do the job properly, then the test will be simple, but sadly most turn up and haven't got a clue!"
It's over 30 years since I sat the radio test. It was at the end of my PPL revalidation course.
Surely the candidate has many more than 16 hours practical radio use. The emergency calls would seem to be the only ones he hasn't used several times.
Is the test now different from real-life radio?

31st Jul 2019, 10:11
The test does mimic real life radio, albeit in a very accelerated manner. But it depends what you're accustomed to.
While I'm confident entering and exiting controlled airspace I've never penetrated a MATZ, or transited controlled airspace, mayday relays, given a "correct" position report, asked for a QDM etc. I was thinking beforehand the training and test would have been much easier. (as most seem to!)
It goes to show, you don't know what you don't know. I found the training and test very worthwhile and interesting - not just a tick box exercise which seems to be so common.

31st Jul 2019, 19:55
Should schools give more info on what to expect, and offer training? ( Not free, but not necessarily 1 to 1, and possibly online.)

1st Aug 2019, 12:19
Are you aware it is possible to do the RT course (VFR and IFR) and exam online? The same applies for LPE for the non native speakers.

And online in this case is more of a virtual classroom setting.

1st Aug 2019, 19:08
I wasn't aware, but not interested in my situation. However the OP presumably was also unaware of this - very useful knowledge for them.

4th Aug 2019, 13:40
Are you aware it is possible to do the RT course (VFR and IFR) and exam online? The same applies for LPE for the non native speakers.

No, I wasn't. Have you got more details?

Apart from our students, I might need it myself - easier to resit than fight the CAA over the old 10-year validity which was wrong (but they seem to have forgotten the correspondence) and proof that I have been using a radio for the last few years from my logbook!

Don't want to bother NATS Glasgow with a FoI request for their tapes!

4th Aug 2019, 17:25
Hi xrayalpha,
If you have an EASA licence, you should find it embedded in it. If you still have a national licence with an expired or expiring 10-year FRTOL, find an examiner and heavily modify SRG1106 and submit it for a lifetime replacement. There should be no charge - there wasn't for the last couple of microlight pilots I did.


5th Aug 2019, 11:37
xrayalpha: pm sent.

I don't want to turn this topic into a commercial and post links. If anyone has the same question as xrayalpha send me a pm.

5th Aug 2019, 19:54
Is a commercial company permitted to examine online for the radio licence, but, surprisingly, is keeping it a secret, and the CAA are compliant in this?
It would appear to affect the equality rights of people such as the OP.

5th Aug 2019, 20:14
I’m sorry but I think you are reading far too much into this. I think it is bad form to post commercial advertising on this forum. On top of this forum rule #1 does not allow this. A pm is the only option left.