View Full Version : Shame Shame Shame !!!

27th Dec 2018, 07:52
GC recommends the failed TA 13-7.

Shame on you.

Kid Dynamite
27th Dec 2018, 08:27
You’ve got to be kidding!!
what a bunch of f@cking clowns
Can you hear the corks popping in kitty city??
unf@cking believable!!

27th Dec 2018, 08:31
Time for all of us to send them a message.

No No No No

27th Dec 2018, 09:27
That's a NO from me. The arapa boys gets a decent deal. Again, the LEP gets screwed. Good job GC for NOT defending my contract. You guys should be ashamed.

27th Dec 2018, 09:29
I have managed to have a quick look through some important aspects, and can already tell it will be a big NO from me. HKPA joke, O days are still a joke, pay what a F***ing joke. I cannot believe the GC has recommended this, it is disgusting and shameful, there are some ulterior motives in our GC that is certain. SHAME

27th Dec 2018, 09:53
Argh, c’mon guys! If we don’t come to an agreement after six more month’s negotiations under GFBA etc, we will get a 1.00% payrise!! And don’t forget that we are an airline losing money. Read the annual results. Apart from HK$25,000,000,000 being written off in perhaps the greatest fuel hedging scam in aviation, we are in dire straights. And the new HKPA is only 30% behind KA now.

27th Dec 2018, 11:23
Disgrace. Make sure everybody knows the names of those who voted yes!

Those on the GC who voted NO, thank you for having integrity and a backbone. Please make sure you remove the anonymity of your fellow GC members who voted yes. Let them explain to every AOA member they meet why they voted yes.

27th Dec 2018, 11:36
The arapa boys gets a decent deal. Again, the LEP gets screwed.

I fail to see how you have come to that opinion. This is a **** deal for everyone. Did you say that because we continue to get the housing we signed up for? If that is the case the HKPA guys/girls are getting a better deal as there is an increase (an unsatisfactory one in my opinion) to the deal they signed up for.

27th Dec 2018, 12:04
GC, I’m confused...

Are you recommending this deal on its merits or are you recommending this deal because you believe the membership lacks the backbone to fight for a better contract?

No one genuinely believes this deal stands on its merit, so this begs the questions why did you stand for GC election if you don’t believe in your members.

Seriously, why did you bother standing?

27th Dec 2018, 12:31
Lets not fall for the divide and rule trap girls. It's a sh*t deal for everyone concerned.

27th Dec 2018, 12:59
So now blocks of 3 days reserve with 3 O days all free
60 days a year
run forest run

27th Dec 2018, 14:10
So now blocks of 3 days reserve with 3 O days all free
60 days a year
run forest run

Where did you see that??? according to the table, following 3 days of reserve, you ll be rostered 1 O and 2 Gs.

But I agree with you. Run.

27th Dec 2018, 14:13
The end of HKAOA in the making.
What a **** deal.
Commence and execute exit procedure.

27th Dec 2018, 14:37
13-7??? Sounds like the offer was too rich then. The Company shoots for 11-9 or even 10-10 with a Chairman tie breaker.

This pos will pass because expats will vote to keep ARAPA and enough of the CEPs will be like dogs grateful for any scraps falling off the table as long as they are promised their precious upgrades.

CoS18 waiting in the wings... That’s the Company’s ultimate goal. The attacks WILL continue. Commuting contract on CoS18 anyone?

When will we learn? Just down the fxxxing tools already! Should have happened back in ‘94 and many times since.

27th Dec 2018, 16:04
Looks like we are finally getting to the Battle of the Bulge. To me at this point it’s both shameful and baffling that the union would recommend retreat but I guess there ya have it. Can’t speak toward possible motivations but at least the membership has the final say.

27th Dec 2018, 16:04

27th Dec 2018, 18:01
Can anyone confirm the rumour that Winnie the Pooh and Tigger were involved in writing the company proposal?

27th Dec 2018, 19:16

Close all the doors, hush the crowds, still the winds and you'll hear it...... yes ladies and gentlemen......, that's the fat lady singing..


Apple Tree Yard
27th Dec 2018, 22:12
The only thing that should be recommended is psychiatric help for the GC.

28th Dec 2018, 00:20
It’s all the fault of the Membership. If you elect a bunch of clowns , this is the kind or circus you have to expect.

28th Dec 2018, 00:42
2.5 years ago we voted no and didn’t change a thing. We didn’t escalate or put anymore pressure.

This time, make sure if you vote no you’re prepared to put immediate pressure otherwise just vote yes and take the extra money.

Apple Tree Yard
28th Dec 2018, 01:23
....what extra money....:rolleyes: I have never read a more appalling industrial document. Could you imagine any other major pilot union "recommending" something this purile? No, didn't think so. An emphatic NO from me, if for no other reason than principle. This WILL spell the end of the AOA, and any hope of a proper career. It's one thing for the company to try it on like this, but I can't understand how our own GC can "recommend" something this one-sided. You guys/girls know that you were supposed to be representing your members, not the management...? Wtf?

Apple Tree Yard
28th Dec 2018, 01:44
Clarabell, nice attempt at distraction. DS owns this. End of. The GC has NO business recommending such an appalling deal. I will be voting NO, not only on the deal, but on my own GC. Not fit for purpose.

28th Dec 2018, 02:07
Just because the GC recommended it doesn't mean you have to vote yes. If it's as bad as the 15 or so people who post on the AOA forums say it is then it will be a 99.9% no vote.

In the event of a no vote, hopefully the HKPA guys will be happy to continue doing all the work fighting the battle for years to come so that guys renting for over $100k (who own 3 or more properties) don't have to pay an extra $4k!

28th Dec 2018, 02:27
Apple. You missed the main point which is quiet common on prune.

Aside from that the majority actually do get extra money and he who gets $110k in housing doesn’t really need it. They got the extension they want.

Dont vote no without a plan of action. Otherwise the next “offer” will be worse again! If you plan on voting no plan on stepping it up otherwise we will just do this whole thing for another few years.

A year ago the AOA increased the monthly fees for increased action yet a year has passed and nothing has happened and now you all wonder why?

Step it up and start from the top! If it’s so worth risking your job lead by example starting with the Captains then people will follow suit. No junior guy will stick their neck out because if they get fired the next job will be less money and let’s face it that is why we are all here.

28th Dec 2018, 03:19

DS gets a pass for taking 3 years to achieve this because you think it's all the previous guy's fault?

How awesome is it to be DS!

Free ride thanks...it's not my fault, it's been 3 years, I achieved nothing, but, but, that's because of the guy before me....


28th Dec 2018, 04:01
Sorry...but your posts still read the same....it's been 3 years...Whatever hate is in your heart against RF...it's burning strong, meantime your only advancement to why DS gets a pass....is that he is useless.

As to the history repeats concept...sure...but the opportunity existed to right any wrongs the moment RF was ousted....just because that person did nothing does not mean the 3 years never occurred.

3 years!

3 years to fix this.

what do we have? A big fat goose egg.

28th Dec 2018, 14:47
In the event of a no vote, hopefully the HKPA guys will be happy to continue doing all the work fighting the battle for years to come so that guys renting for over $100k (who own 3 or more properties) don't have to pay an extra $4k!

Geez X-wind, don't let the facts get in the way of a good divide-and conquer, self serving rant.
Yes , the recommendation from the GC sucks, so please keep your eye on the ball.
And, for the record kiddo, I have one [mortgaged] modest 2br flat. 30+ years in and on 24K/month. Like many. Get. Real.

28th Dec 2018, 19:58
Let this be clear:

This forum is a symptom of the critical weakness carried by the pilot body. The company knows this, and in truth so do we.

All these rants and shouts of defiance are written behind a wall of anonymity. Anonymity. All - but a very few - fear personal retribution when they can't hide behind a VPN or a GC. For bloody good reasons I might add.

But it means there can be no further escalation, no strike, no last stand. Anything beyond the current line would require a show of faces and names. And that, in any meaningfull number, will not happen.

This vital aspect separates the HKAOA from all other unions in the West. And ignoring it, or fabricating a false reassurance via anonymous posts, leads nowhere good.