View Full Version : What are NVQ's/SVQ's

31st Jul 2002, 14:31
What are NVQ's/SVQ's? How are they helpful/ are they mandatory within the EU?

31st Jul 2002, 16:31
Look here at

What are NVQ's (http://www.dfes.gov.uk/nvq/what.shtml)

and since devolution the jocks have to have their own

version of NVQ called SVQ (http://www.sac.ac.uk/training/external/prospectus/SVQ/Default.htm)

31st Jul 2002, 16:43
Ah! The wonerful NVQ which meant that the Government paid 40% of the cost of my licence revalidation, now stopped by Gordon. Now, at over 60, the only help I get from the government is an annual contribution towards the cost of fuel to the tune of £200. (at least that's what I tell Mrs P the Fuel Benefit is for):D

31st Jul 2002, 17:12

Spend it wisely remembering what Harold Wilson said about "the pound in your pocket". Before those euro people sign you up to that dreadful Euro :D