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View Full Version : New York Times Wonders if We're Too Fat to Get Out

19th Sep 2018, 23:42
NYT Evacuation Questions (https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/19/opinion/faa-airlines-evacuations-seat-size.html?action=click&module=Opinion&pgtype=Homepage)

Let's assume the concern is justified: would less dense passenger packing actually solve the problem?

20th Sep 2018, 06:29
It woud definitely make it easier for passengers to evacuate their on-board trolley bags as well. :bored:

20th Sep 2018, 06:48
Let's assume the concern is justified

Assuming that a planeload of live, frightened revenue passengers should be able to match the manufacturers' evacuation tests, as the article appears to imply, is hardly a valid assumption.

Art E. Fischler-Reisen
20th Sep 2018, 10:58
I flew down the east coast of the USA a few years ago. I was in the rear row starboard window seat. A behemoth of a man appeared (probably in his thirties) and occupied both the adjacent aisle and centre seats (yes, both and even then with some trouble - he needed physical assistance because he was almost as big in diameter as the seat pitch). The flight attendant brought seat belt extensions so he could strap in. I was essentially wedged in at that point and I knew that even asking him to let me out to use the toilet was going to be a big issue. When we were fed the evening meal, the greedy B asked for two!

I wondered what he was going to do in the event of an emergency evacuation situation. To this day I'm not too ashamed to say that I decided that if required I was going to use him as a blubbery stepping stone to get out and away.

20th Sep 2018, 13:24
Typical of the tombstone agency owned and operated by the airlines. This statement is negative assurance, at best:

“The F.A.A. has no evidence that a typical passenger, even a larger one, will take more than a couple of seconds to get out of his or her seat,”

20th Sep 2018, 14:25
I wondered what he was going to do in the event of an emergency evacuation situation.
I've been in the same situation and asked the same question; I decided I would go over the seat back. I always check out who is sitting in the emergency exit rows as I board and always plan other routes. On topic: I'm in the States and am amazed by the level of youth obesity; I would like to see an evacuation test with a real sample of persons, especially the ones who grab overhead luggage .......

22nd Sep 2018, 11:40
I flew down the east coast of the USA a few years ago. I was in the rear row starboard window seat. A behemoth of a man appeared (probably in his thirties) and occupied both the adjacent aisle and centre seats (yes, both and even then with some trouble - he needed physical assistance because he was almost as big in diameter as the seat pitch). The flight attendant brought seat belt extensions so he could strap in. I was essentially wedged in at that point and I knew that even asking him to let me out to use the toilet was going to be a big issue. When we were fed the evening meal, the greedy B asked for two!

I wondered what he was going to do in the event of an emergency evacuation situation. To this day I'm not too ashamed to say that I decided that if required I was going to use him as a blubbery stepping stone to get out and away.

Hahahahaha!!!! This is just gold!

Where is the « Like » button when we need it?! This has to be the funniest post I read on PPRuNe! Well done Sir! xD