View Full Version : Floatplane flips over near Kingston, Ontario: no serious injuries

16th Aug 2018, 01:55
Pilot injured in float plane crash near Kingston | CBC News (http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/float-plane-flips-downie-island-kingston-1.4786314)

16th Aug 2018, 23:57
Can someone please tell me how you flip a floatplane?

17th Aug 2018, 13:33
Can someone please tell me how you flip a floatplane?

Rotornut, Looking at the picture in the CBC Article it might have been caused by what look like wheels hanging down between the floats. If those caught on something slightly under the water surface it might have been enough to flip the aircraft?


17th Aug 2018, 18:04
That makes sense. I'll bet the pilot is a bit embarrassed.:E

5th Sep 2018, 09:43
wheels hanging down between the floats. If those caught on something slightly under the water surface it might have been enough to flip the aircraft?

You don't need anything but more water under the water.


Landing an amphibian wheels down in the water is rarely going to turn out well.

5th Sep 2018, 10:39
OK, that's how to flip on landing.
Now how do you flip one off a "standing start" (so to speak) when taking off?

Mike Ellis was watching the plane from shore and saw it start the attempted takeoff.
He said everything looked normal, but then "all of a sudden we see the right wing dip way down." Ellis said he then heard a loud bang, and the plane was suddenly upside down in the water.

Struck something with the starboard float?