View Full Version : EASA AIR-OPS: TechLog entry CMD responsibility

6th Aug 2018, 10:03
Need help with finding a chapter-and-verse in the present day EASA regulations. I thought AIR-OPS, but maybe it is Part-M which is terra incognitato me.

Equivalent to: 4.5.4 The pilot-in-command shall be responsible for reporting all known or suspected defects in the aeroplane, to the
operator, at the termination of the flight..

In accordance to AMC3 ORO.MLR.100 the statement would most likely be inserted either or both in OM-A 1.4 Authority, duties and responsibilities of the pilot-in-command/commander, and 8.1.11 Operator’s aircraft technical log. That's fine from the Airlines' side, what I am after is where EASA / EU Directives have the provision compliant with the ICAO Annex 6.