View Full Version : Negative G's and Stall Speed

13th Jul 2018, 02:21
What affect does negative G's have on stall speed in terms of load factor?
As negative g's is considered a negative load factor how do you work out the new Vs.

Vs (New) = Vs x √LF
Vs (New) = 50 x √-1

However you cant square root a negative number.

13th Jul 2018, 13:07
The Vs of the wing with a negative load factor of 1?
Determined by experimentation - don't do it on finals.

13th Jul 2018, 13:21
If your aircraft has symmetrical wing and tailplane sections, then the stall speed at -1g will be the same as at +1g. However...…………… in reality, nearly every aircraft has wing and tail sections that are optimised for +ve g loads. This means that the CLmax in -ve g conditions will be lower than that for +ve g, and thus the stall speed under -ve g will be increased. To work out by how much, you need to know both the CLmax figures.

Pugilistic Animus
14th Jul 2018, 21:36
It's not an imaginary number but the absolute value

15th Jul 2018, 04:00
The V-n diagram for a particular aircraft will give you the information. In the example here you can see at minus one "g" the stall speed is about 130 knots versus 100 knots at plus one "g".
