View Full Version : Piston engine calendar time under FARs

28th May 2018, 22:34
Under the EASA regime in Europe, engines used for commercial use, which includes flight training, have to be overhauled either on TBO or calendar time, e.g 12 years for some Lycoming engines. This ruling is inflating the cost of training aircraft in Europe and causing difficulties for flight schools. I cannot see the same regulation exists under the FARs, only the TBO requirement. Can any of our American friends confirm whether calendar time is part of the regulation for airworthiness, including for flight training?

28th May 2018, 23:16

For what it's worth EASA or the CAA to be more accurate are actually less restrictive in allowing extensions of. 20% under GRN24 in cap 747 than the US requirements.

It's only of late that Lycoming have extended the lives as above.

28th May 2018, 23:31

if link does not work Google Lycoming SI1009BB

28th May 2018, 23:44
Thanks for this. I see that the calendar limit can be extended by inspection.

29th May 2018, 02:03
Yes by 20% as per the hours subject to it meeting certain criteria, you need to read GRN 24 that is towards to back of the CAP in this link for the CAA requirements.

https://publicapps.caa.co.uk/modalapplication.aspx?catid=1&pagetype=65&appid=11&mode=detail&id=7980 (https://publicapps.caa.co.uk/modalapplication.aspx?catid=1&pagetype=65&appid=11&mode=deta il&id=7980)