View Full Version : Flying Clothing

BLW Skylark 4
24th Jul 2002, 18:06
Reading this I am reminded of a chapter in either "Air America" or the "Ravens" by Christopher Robbins I believe (apologies cant remember which right now but both very good books and worth a read).

In this it recounts a time when a USAF survival instructor turned up at Air America's base in Laos or Cambodia and was horrified to see one of the C46 pilots wearing VC type thong sandles rather than the instructor's recommended USAF jungle boots. Paraphrasing somewhat the conversation went something like:

Instructor: "Just how long do you think it would take you to walk out of the jungle if you crashed wearing those...??"

Pilot: "Well the first time it took four weeks and the last time....."!

Broadening the subject slightly, any fellow glider pilots on here care to comment on what they wear flying?

I confess that when I started I thought a "Gro-Bag" was the best idea as glider cockpits are obviously much smaller and restricted than the average spam can and the pockets are therefore useful. However, last summer I quite often found myself flying in shorts and beach sandals - not the best idea if you land out! Walking around trying to find a farmer wearing a sweat soaked t-shirt when the sun is beginning to set is not the best idea!

Not mentioning any names, but I know of one club member who has been known to fly cross country wearing only boxer shorts and legend has it that there were several once who set out on a cross country task completely starkers for a bet......!!!!