View Full Version : Advice after PPL

10th May 2018, 17:33
Hi all, so PPL is on the horizon, 2 Navs then a mock and I’m feeling ok. Could still be a few weeks weather dependent. I just wanted to ask about starting Atpl theory. I’ve been reading through some of the books I have, Oxford atpl I got of a RYR pilot, just to get an idea and a small head start. I’m not in a position to do full time study as i work full time in military but it can be flexible if studying on the outside, I’ve no commitments either. I have lots of time to study at home and it’s good for time off etc, I want to go full steam at it and just do some hour building in between.
How much time have some of you put in modular route and finished it in a decent time frame? What would be the average time frame to complete the theory and all going well with the exams? I will also have plenty of help if need be, I really want to commit to this when I do have the chance. Thanks :)

10th May 2018, 18:06
I don't know what the instrument rating is called these days but that should be definitely your next step.

10th May 2018, 18:32
I don't know what the instrument rating is called these days but that should be definitely your next step.

i will be doing Cpl/Meir, would like to get the Atpl theory complete just seeing how others found it distance learning, thanks.

15th May 2018, 09:20
Difficult, stressful, confusing, complicated, complex, frustrating, distracting from work, off putting, soul destroying, demoralising, hard, time consuming, irrelevant, pointless, unnecessary, badly formed, inaccurate.

And I haven't even taken my first set of exams yet.

15th May 2018, 10:40
"Difficult, stressful, confusing, complicated, complex, frustrating!" When I did my ATPL theory final brush-up lasting a fortnight at a superb ground school (well worth the money), similar observations were made to one of the lecturers who was an ex RAF pilot. When asked why, his reply went something like this "Almost anyone can be taught to fly, given enough time and money. But civil aviation doesn't want or need almost anyone and therefore a challenging intellectual barrier is put in place to keep the riff-raff out."

15th May 2018, 15:22
I've yet to find the challenging intellectual bits. Just a thousand pages of almost irrelevant guff.


15th May 2018, 17:09
I've yet to find the challenging intellectual bits. Just a thousand pages of almost irrelevant guff.

Then you need to look harder. PoF, Perf, Met, HPL, Nav and AGK all have plenty of really relevant stuff. And there's relevant stuff in most of the others too. Granted there's a load of stuff that is a pain with little obvious reason to learn it rather than look it up but them's the rules.