View Full Version : 108,000 Feet over CYWG

1st Mar 2018, 04:25
I was watching ADS-B this evening and for a few minutes,
a transponder came up on MLAT with 108,000 feet
and as I was trying to take a screen shot, it disappeared and did not reappear.

Would anyone have any idea of what it was?

A Balloon?

India Four Two
1st Mar 2018, 07:28
I just had a look at Flight Radar 24 at 0120 MST.

There are four balloons over North Dakota tracking NE towards Winnipeg.
Reported heights are all between 57,000’ and 59,000’

I’ve never noticed balloons before.

1st Mar 2018, 13:36
I saw one at Minus 1500' somewhere in Anchorage's bay two or three years ago.
We were ourselves at 500'agl flying survey.

Like if a submarine was equipped :p

(Just to say it is not 110% accurate as everybody seems to think)

5th Mar 2018, 13:37
Yes they were balloons, launched by Google.

I heard ATC mentioning them to a couple aircraft during flight.

7th Mar 2018, 00:07
I don't know what the 108,000 object was but I did see the HBAL balloons
with a balloon symbol

I noticed if there is moisture in the air, the number of tracked objects displaying ADSB drops. Ie the range available at a high decreases significantly.

Yes they were balloons, launched by Google.

I heard ATC mentioning them to a couple aircraft during flight.