View Full Version : Disappointed

14th Dec 2017, 22:12
Yesterday I handed in my second sick note at crew control and overheard and witnessed a senior 777 captain with over 33 years in the company negotiate his flights for his reserve block next week. "I wanna do a London he asked. It will put me over 100 hours". On seeing me, the door was closed but behind the glass panel I could see his embarrassment.
A full AOA member this guy was picking and choosing his overtime flights while I was towing the line.
Very disappointing. I have reported this to the AOA who said " it's his choice".

Disappointed is too mild. Disgusted.

14th Dec 2017, 23:05
It's 'toeing' the line. You aren't towing a line along, you are remaining on the acceptable side of the line by putting your toes just up to it.

Anyway - Don't think that I approve of CX management. Just accept that you are not flying for a Western European or North American company. How difficult is that?

I am so glad that I now have nothing to do with CX nor the people who fly for them.

14th Dec 2017, 23:40
Wasn't there a recent 777 individual that worked a G day out of SYD? I doubt the AOA cares about policing CC anymore.

15th Dec 2017, 00:23
Correct Dragon, Not sure if the union has done anything

Reality Checker
15th Dec 2017, 01:28
You are clearly either lying or just stirring up trouble

You said - On seeing me, the door was closed but behind the glass panel I could see his embarrassment.

There are NO DOORS in Crew Control. It is completely open plan.
So the incident you claim to have witnessed could not have taken place in Crew Control.
So thereforethe pilot you are accusing could not have been “negotiating” his flights.

15th Dec 2017, 03:47
OTH this is costing CX much more than a cooperative crew community properly rostered

Progress Wanchai
15th Dec 2017, 04:55
I suspected this really didn’t happen checklistcomplete.

Or did you actually mean to disclose your identity to crew control, a :mad: and 20 plus GC members? Why not then post on the AOA forums?
But I’ll stop short of claiming you tell porky pies until I check, checklistcomplete

15th Dec 2017, 04:56

Is you’re poor grammar and syntax contrived? It’s too poor to be accidental. You’re either a manager pretending to be a pilot; stirring the pot, and indirectly demonstrating what you consider the average pilot’s grammar skills are. Or, equally likely, you’re a poster boy of what the local low cost carriers are scraping from the bottom of the barrel...

15th Dec 2017, 16:33
I agree he is not doing the right thing by everyone else but does this break CC? Not a G day, would he not have been called out for something regardless. I might be viewing this from the wrong angle

15th Dec 2017, 19:59
He is doing the wrong thing.

15th Dec 2017, 20:13
Well ....it is xmas!!

15th Dec 2017, 20:25
Fact checker, MCIM's door can be closed and his office is glass walled.

Re Sydney on a G, Before people complain about these duties, check very carefully, there are a lot of oneway swaps going on at the moment, the person may have operated on their G on a flight they would have normally commuted up on, letting the inbound crew member stay there. Although to stay in Syd for longer would be a cruel form of punishment that even Cx havnt thought up!

Liam Gallagher
16th Dec 2017, 00:40

The 777 Captain is breaching Contract Compliance. Contract Compliance is more than just working G-days. The specific wording can be seen on the AOA website and the relevant section is "A member will not be contactable, except.."

By talking to Chaos Control when outside the 4 stated exceptions, the 777 Captain is breaching HKAOA rules.

The phrase "Book'em Danno" springs to mind......

16th Dec 2017, 03:15
Fact checker, MCIM's door can be closed and his office is glass walled.

Re Sydney on a G, Before people complain about these duties, check very carefully

If you were part of a certain whatsapp groupchat then you would know why I was referring to that individual. FYI that individual is also on the same groupchat, but never bothered to clarify or defend himself.

Rated De
16th Dec 2017, 04:10
Yesterday I handed in my second sick note at crew control and overheard and witnessed a senior 777 captain with over 33 years in the company negotiate his flights for his reserve block next week. "I wanna do a London he asked. It will put me over 100 hours".

You know the type, brash confrontational and 'there i was' type personalities. Tell a great yarn and most every story commences with I.
Get them away from the little click, put them under any sort of pressure and you see the reality.

We all set our own standards. We all possess the necessary equipment to work on the street. Some can do tricks on the street corner, others set higher benchmarks.

16th Dec 2017, 05:11
I hear that at least one C&T'er on COS99 was extended beyond 55 in a special deal. Any truth to that?

16th Dec 2017, 05:29

mngmt mole
16th Dec 2017, 07:03
How sadly comical to see all the other CX staff walking around ‘beaming’ because they got their full 13th month. Meanwhile, the most senior staff and essential, the Captains received “0”. And we seem to keep showing up like obedient little sheep. We deserve everything we get. It will be interesting to see whether we deserve the titles we hold. Yammer was all hot air i suppose.

17th Dec 2017, 04:08
I was disappointed to read GB and BT climbing down. I suspect they received phone calls.
Meantime having provided all but his ERN NOTHING has been done about RW and the others lining their pockets whilst the rest of us fight on. AOA pathetic.

17th Dec 2017, 11:06
Can you be more clear?

18th Dec 2017, 00:33
Basic CC is a stretch for most guys, and considering most guys are on the Pax fleets that’s pretty depressing. If we threw out every AOA member who reported at the delayed reporting time there would be around 60 gone from flying with me since CC started alone. Add in throwing out everyone who does the CRM courses, volunteers for sims etc and you’d be down to 40% membership which is where we were in 2002 unless I’m mistaken. Volunteering for some things is ok but other things isn’t. How does that work?
I don’t have an answer, throw a bunch of people out of the AOA and they’ll start answering their phone and working G days. Not all but some, and that erodes CC.

18th Dec 2017, 01:59
Morning Coffee. Once again, you arrive at your cubicle in CX city, warm up your computer and attempt to divide the pilot group. Have you got NOTHING better to do with your life (serious question btw). CC, combined with the training ban has had a massive impact on the company. Two of the reasons this company is in a blind panic. Most members of the AOA recognise that this is a battle they can't afford to lose, and are committed to the end.

18th Dec 2017, 02:32
Expulsion from a union is a huge problem if you end up leaving and going to a unionised airline. You would not be accepted and unlike CX most unionised airlines have rock solid pilot support.
The AOA's policy is deliberately vague, shows absolutely no grit or resolve.
It is up to each pilot to decide and act.

18th Dec 2017, 12:04
What I am saying is that there are plenty of guys sticking to CC most of the time but if it was a 1 hit deal, ie check roster, turn up at delayed time, answer phone etc, and you’re booted out, the union would get a substantial reduction in numbers.

Checklistcompete, guys quit the union when the subs went up to support the 49ers and then rejoined years later like nothing had happened. I’ll call BS on your comment. Guys joined while the ban was on and are now skippers and welcomed with open arms by the AOA.

Current CC is hard work for plenty of members.

18th Dec 2017, 15:49
Not as 'hard work' as a career working under the oppressive dictates of the Swire's. You know, that group of 'managers' who look only 2-3 years ahead with their focus firmly on their own bonuses (as is the case with you MC). I think most pilots in this airline are willing to hold the line on CC and the TB, while at the same time actively applying and interviewing for their next employer where they can live at home and enjoy flying again. When an individual finally realises there is more to life than money, they are then ready to make that move. Needless to say, there is nothing about CX anymore that says 'money' when it comes to their terms and conditions. Ergo, most are making imminent plans to move. Enjoy 'managing' your empty empire. Swires, 'defectum'. (check your latin)