View Full Version : Chitose ATIS Decode B/A B-G C-G

10th Dec 2017, 04:01

Does anyone know what does B-G C-G means? I assume it's relating to braking action?


10th Dec 2017, 06:09
It looks like the ATIS is a little incomplete.

They report braking action in 3 segments of the runway (i.e. A, B and C) A relates to the 1/3 of the runway with the smallest runway number. So in RJCC Section A is the first third when landing runway 01 and section C the last 1/3 etc.

So your ATIS is reporting B/A Good in section B and C for runway 01L. Section A is either omitted or ?? Runway 01R is only reporting B/A in segment C of the runway.

Considering the B/A report is a few hours before the ATIS was issued maybe there wasn't much contamination?