View Full Version : King Air Pilots view range

3rd Nov 2017, 02:59
Hi, I'm working on a project and need to work out the minimum view range for a KingAir 300.

The data I need is:

Distance to Centreline (m)

Distance to pavement (m) viewing LHS of aircraft for field of view from the centreline (0-35°)

Distance to pavement (m) viewing RHS of aircraft for field of view from the centreline (0-35°)

4th Nov 2017, 21:22

That's the POH, Section 1 directly from Beechcraft and has all the aircraft dimensions starting on Page 1-8. It'll give you something to work with. You won't get much more accurate than these numbers without a tape measure.

As far as "Distance to Pavement," have you considered this will vary with the height of the pilot?

The King Air 300s a previous company of mine operated did not have a Design Eye Reference Point and, thus, the viewing range would be dependant upon pilot height and seat position. I don't remember the King Air 100 or Beech 1900D aircraft having a described Eye-to-Wheel height either and all the ones I ever heard of were apocryphal.

6th Nov 2017, 00:14
Thank you +TSRA. I hadn't been able to find that document (I had looked).