View Full Version : EASA Instructor rating classifications

21st Aug 2017, 10:43
In pre EASA days I held an unrestricted Instructor rating.I have spent several hours wading through the dreadful Cap 804 looking for a list of the licence abbreviations anyone have a reference or can point me in the right direction.

My current licence says:-
FCL.905 FI applies as in (a)/(b)/(e)/(f)A(g)(IR(R)/FCL945

Any help appreciated thank you in anticipation.
I feel sorry for the next generation of pilots/instructors having to deal with this bureaucratic nightmare.

21st Aug 2017, 16:13
There's a handy card they give out now that lists what all the letters mean. It is a simplified version of what is in CAP804, Section 4, Part J, Sub-Part 1, Page 1 which the card references.

21st Aug 2017, 16:57
Thank you rarely that really helped it does not jump out the page at you.Still seems I have all that I thought I had which is good.What a mess this has all turned into and how the instructors role has been broken down and diminished.Don not think I,d bother if I was starting out nowadays especially given the astronomic cost of instructor courses !Regards Stampe

21st Aug 2017, 20:24
FCL.905 FI applies as in (a)/(b)/(e)/(f)A(g)(IR(R)/FCL945

Those are the references in Part-FCL.

if you go to https://www.easa.europa.eu/regulations#regulations-aircrew and look for the Easy Access Rules Part FCL pdf file. Then search for FCL.905.FI it will bring you to the Privileges and conditions for the basic FI. (it's page 900).

The brackets (a) show what you can teach...