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27th Jul 2017, 22:08
so today i had my first introductory flight in a cessna 152
thise was the first time that i flew in a small aircraft.
i can say that the flight was amazing......but a lot scary specially the take off.......there were some turbulence in the air.
At one moment I was just holding my seat.

So I'm starting to fly seriously from next week but hope it is normal hahahha and that the fear will go away with some hours.
at one point the instructor told that i had to do a long 360 but i said no because i was afraid (but after i did it)

what do you think guys...it ever happened to someone else????

thanks for the attention

28th Jul 2017, 08:56
so today i had my first introductory flight in a cessna 152
thise was the first time that i flew in a small aircraft.
i can say that the flight was amazing......but a lot scary specially the take off.......there were some turbulence in the air.
At one moment I was just holding my seat.

So I'm starting to fly seriously from next week but hope it is normal hahahha and that the fear will go away with some hours.
at one point the instructor told that i had to do a long 360 but i said no because i was afraid (but after i did it)

what do you think guys...it ever happened to someone else????

thanks for the attention

You're not the only one. I had a serious fear of flying before undertaking my PPL. You will notice when your fear has gone because you won't be gripping the yoke so tightly, your knuckles will not be white....

28th Jul 2017, 09:26
Yup - don't worry about it!!! The slight turbulence which you probably never (or very rarely in commercial airliners) experienced before, will soon become second nature. Habituation is a bliss thing!

Turning, climbing, descending and understanding how planes work generally help the mental blocks, but after a few hours of flight, you shouldn't be as scared, and those bumps will most likely become barely noticeable (unless you get a thermal-y day!)

Good luck with your training!

28th Jul 2017, 09:38
My first flights I was scared half to death. I still sometimes feel a little uneasy in turbulence, but it does get much better. You'll soon realise that it's nothing to worry about and if you relax a little bit, it is much easier to control the aircraft smoothly.
Enjoy, and good luck

Piltdown Man
28th Jul 2017, 11:24
To learn you will have to deal with the uneasy feeling. Everybody's way of dealing with hang-ups like this is different. The problem is we are still near enough Mk I cavemen designed for living on the surface at 1g. The rational thing is to accept the aircraft you flew in is older than you and it's still in one piece. But fear of flying is not a rational thing.

If you decide to continue you must trust your instructor. Totally and absolutely. You will not be put in a position where you will come to harm and you will have to learn to accept the bumps and gusts that will come your way. Have your lap strap fastened firmly and your shoulder straps with a similar tension to that in a car. Sit so that your arms and legs are almost floppy and go with the flow. When you are not flying have your hands on your lap and don't grab anything except for your hands if it gets bumpy. Hanging on to your seat, the door or any handle will do you no good. It won't stop the bumps and you are not strong enough to hold yourself in position. That is the job of the lapstrap.

The quicker you learn to deal with bumps, the quicker you'll learn and the better the pilot you will be. Here is a girl dealing with (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aQONtYjDlMw) bumps.


28th Jul 2017, 11:35
I was so nervous, excited and scared that I barely retained anything the instructor told me for half my training.
Things worked out....;)

28th Jul 2017, 12:10
B2N2 makes an interesting point when saying "nervous, excited and scared" because they all feel the same. The physical sensations are exactly the same, it's just what you choose to call it. Call it excited and you will be.

That said, everything worth doing feels a little bit scary when you first do it, even if that's just because you're afraid of whether you'll be good enough.

Remember, too, that anything worth doing is worth doing well and anything worth doing well is worth doing badly first.

Local Variation
28th Jul 2017, 18:27
Great video clip Piltdown. Astonishing woman.

28th Jul 2017, 20:37
Nerves and anxiety will go as you start to build the hours and your confidence grows. I'm quite an anxious person in general but once I'm at the controls and starting the engine, it all goes away.

28th Jul 2017, 20:37
great woman!!!
thanks for all the advice guys i will keep you updated if you like
hope to finish my ppl before december and so start my atpl distance learning