View Full Version : Best airlines to work for ?

4th Jul 2017, 17:04
I think it would a good subject to talk about as the market is slowly turning in favor of pilots (with the shortage and expension worldwide of the flying business)
Which companies out there offer the best deals not only on salary but also on lifestyle ?

Please comment only on facts (airline you are working for now or worked for recently...)
It will help us all to choose where we want to work and also maybe direct some unions negociations if we have real matrix to compare to.

Jet Jockey A4
4th Jul 2017, 19:16
Good luck with that!

4th Jul 2017, 19:31
Its a bit like asking "how long is a piece of string?" Management changes so often these days, but I will give it a try anyway! {1} Air Canada {2} WestJet {2} First Air {3} The various connector's under the Air Canada flag.{4} Buffalo, a very different airline, but worth working for. There are many small operators separate from the pack which are good operators, {Borack being an example} but they are very specialised type of operations. If I haven't mentioned some operators, there is a reason for this, Mind you once the "Pilot Shortage" is over the "I will fly for nothing" bunch will return!

4th Jul 2017, 22:47
as the market is slowly turning in favor of pilots

I disagree. Until the various companies begin to park airplanes due to a lack of pilots and airline management begins to see a decreasing trend in load factor that is a direct result of decreased capacity, the market will not turn in favour of pilots. One need only look south of the border to Horizon right now. They're parking airplanes and attempting some short term fixes to patch a problem that has been years in the making. The writing was on the wall, and yet they still did not do enough with their recent union agreement to ensure resumes are flying through the door.

Up here, Jazz and Encore have very little problem filling ground schools with their current pay matricies, WestJet has a pool of pilots ready to go to mainline, and Air Canada will be overflowing with resumes once they open the doors again. There is zero incentive for any of the airlines to improve WACONs outside of union negotiations. Hell, WestJet is starting a ULCC which will see young pilots jump at the chance to fly a 737 without regard to how it impacts the industry. This is because every pilot, at some point, has been a lady of the night, willing to do more for less.

So, If I were an airline executive, where do I see the need to improve pay when I can still fill both front seats when I can just fill it with younger, more inexperienced pilots?

Which companies out there offer the best deals not only on salary but also on lifestyle ?

To answer this is a personal question. Not that it is confidential, but that it depends on what you want at the end of your career. All airlines, including those with Red (or black now?), Teal, and Racoon tails have their pros and cons. What works for me may not work for you and that will drive your decisions. Maybe you want to live in Toronto, so it doesn't matter who you fly for. But maybe you live in Okotoks and don't want to ever commute to Montreal, in which case you have a different decision. Hence, it's personal.

5th Jul 2017, 17:19
Thanks guys for the comments it helps, also i meant that thread to be more international too (i should displace that thread but don't know how), any experiences out there with the sand box, asian, or european companies and how do they compare to Air Canada.
I know AC is behind wages wise and with the rest and duty policy compare to European and even US major airlines...
Any experiences would be apreciated

5th Jul 2017, 18:03
It is Kenn Borek Air Ltd., Calgary, Alberta.