View Full Version : Strip on the charts?

18th Jun 2017, 16:18
How would one go about getting an airstrip depicted on the VFR charts for the UK ? Who do I contact and what do I need to provide to get it marked on the chart.

Note: Oh and no smart arsed comments about the other strip not on the charts on the other thread thank you very much.👍

Jan Olieslagers
18th Jun 2017, 16:28
Sorry for stating the obvious: talk to the chart publisher, I should think?

18th Jun 2017, 16:37
Perhaps but I would have thought that some government agency has the final word in what does and doesn't get published.

Jan Olieslagers
18th Jun 2017, 17:09
I don't think so, but am not claiming any expertise. But if it be the case, then the chart publishers must be able to tell you that - and who it is - too.

Why not query the publishers of navigation apps, such as SkyDemon? An electronic chart is a chart too, after all.

Another way to start things off is to publish your strip on openstreetmap, or add it to a public airfield directory such as ourairports. PM me if you wish help with either.

18th Jun 2017, 17:54
I normally wouldn't bother with stuff like this but we had 2 aircraft come to close for comfort today, one in the circuit, one transiting through, only one on frequency, neither were aware how close they came to each other and the guy passing thru probably didnt even know the strip was there. I figure if it's on the charts bimblers will give it a wide berth if not landing.

Prop swinger
18th Jun 2017, 18:09
From the NATS VFR chart page: unlicensed sites form (http://www.nats-uk.ead-it.com/public/images/natsuk/aip/vfrcharts/downloads/Unlicensed%20Sites%20Form.pdf).

18th Jun 2017, 18:19
I hate to be a bit of a nay sayer but......

I know you are fairly relaxed regarding visitors and I hope that continues to work out for you.

Having been trhough the wringer w.r.t. insurance claims and impromptu beat-ups I would be a little circumspect about listing the strip. If you are not there most or all of the time then you may be lucky, you may not.

Best of luck which ever way you go.

18th Jun 2017, 19:56
You might be safer from low flying fastjets if you were on the charts. And an airprox on take-off, requiring avoiding action by both pilots, as happened last year in Scotland, would clearly be the fastjets fault.

this is my username
18th Jun 2017, 20:29
Putting it on the chart won't necessarily keep people away - it may have the reverse effect as some will start to use it as a turning point.

We regularly get traffic through the overhead at or close to circuit height at the busy non-ATZ airfield I operate from. Being marked on the chart doesn't seem to help, and common sense and airmanship are much less common than one would hope.

dont overfil
19th Jun 2017, 11:40
If you decide to go ahead you may want to contact the military as well. They need separate notification.
Balado was on the chart for some time but following an "incident" with a pair of Typhoons they discovered it was not on the military charts.