View Full Version : Memory Items - How many on your aircraft

pisstin broke
3rd Jun 2017, 23:47
A query about check list memory items. I was wondering what aircraft has the most and what has the fewest.
The A320 has 13 I believe.

Amadis of Gaul
4th Jun 2017, 00:44
I'm on the 320, but we only have 5.

John Citizen
4th Jun 2017, 01:00
I'm on the 320, but we only have 9 "officially". (in my company)

But there are so many other procedures (abnormal procedures) that are not memory items, but are still to be done from memory.

Eg. Overspeed....Engine fail in cruise...Incapacitation...low energy alert... untimely flare mode....OEB48...etc

Makes it over 15 now

Metro man
4th Jun 2017, 01:54
Simple answer, too many. Especially when you get older and find you ask for the checklist and the F/O informs you its already been done.

4th Jun 2017, 06:55
BAe146. At least 40 (I made 40 flashcards for them but I may have omitted some obvious ones such as "Config warning - don't take off", and I can't be bothered checking.)

4th Jun 2017, 08:31
DH8D - 30, counting only those procedures that begin with memory items. They are mostly made up of "blocks" though; securing an engine for example is required by multiple procedures but always done in the same way.

Several more checklists contain by-heart switching at a later point which is formally included in the checklist, although this is typically logical stuff like maximum braking after touchdown, setting parking brake, talking to the cabin etc.

Piltdown Man
4th Jun 2017, 22:51
Embraer E-Jet - 19 items, many of which are single lines and others duplicated.

5th Jun 2017, 00:23
Tu.114 - geeze man, 30 memory items on a Q400? We operate with 7, of which 3 are identical.

5th Jun 2017, 14:31
The DH8-400 is a 1970s aircraft at heart, having been dumbed down artificially in order to keep the same rating with the vastly different -300. There even used to be an option to display round flight instruments on the PFD instead of the common ASI and altimeter tapes. No wonder that the automation is on the same level...

Just out of curiosity, what are the 7 procedures involving memory items in your operation?

On the F70/100, there were 3. Takeoff abort, emergency descent and both engines flameout.

5th Jun 2017, 20:50
787 - Around (sorry didn't count them!) - 9

11th Jun 2017, 01:13
Anyone know how many for the 737?