View Full Version : Fire Cover at Airfield while PPL training

18th Apr 2017, 13:02
Is it a requirement under EASA to have fire cover in place at a private licensed Airfield while any PPL training is being carried out?

In reality a good deal of PPL training takes place at small Airfields where there is noone else present apart from the Instructor & Student, when they go flying the Airfield is unmanned, is this illegal?

18th Apr 2017, 18:30
In the UK, regulations changed in 2010 to permit some types of flying training to take place at unlicensed aerodromes.

CAP 793 sets out advice for those considering setting up an unlicensed aerodrome for this purpose or considering 'de-licensing'.

Basically, it places the onus on the flying instructor to satisfy themselves that the aerodrome is safe to use. To quote:

The ANO (Air Navigation Order) makes provision for flying training to be carried out from unlicensed
aerodromes using aeroplanes under 2730 kg and helicopters/gyroplanes under
3175 kg provided that both the aerodrome operator and the pilot in command of the
aircraft are satisfied on reasonable grounds that the aerodrome is suitable for the

Different rules may apply in other EASA countries.