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10th Apr 2017, 11:20
Overall cost 30,000 euros.
French, Dutch and English "basic knowledge".

10th Apr 2017, 14:07
This is great, unfortunately despite a GCSE in French I have no clue of Dutch so I guess that rules me out.

Hopefully if this scheme works wonders (which I'm sure it will) we may hopefully see it rolled out with TUI UK in the future!

11th Apr 2017, 16:21
It's a great opportunity for anyone who want to become a pilot ! Best of luck for the one that will try.

11th Apr 2017, 16:33
If anyone knows what 'basic knowledge' means, please tell us. Does 'ground office function' mean you work for them during the training? That would explain the 3-year period, unless it already includes the line training duration...

That price is top-notch, good luck to applicants !

12th Apr 2017, 17:43
What an amazing program!

earning 50 000€ gross salary, divided over the course of three year! Only working 8-9 months during the year, having winter's off without pay! An MPL license to tie you to TUI!

It's a way to the cockpit, don't get me wrong ... but you are paying for it and TUI is making/saving money on it!

There is a reason they have reasonably high crew attrition rates! **** Belgian taxes!

12th Apr 2017, 18:51
Yes, this is definitely the best way to train pilots. Plus having an experience in operations or engineering for example, at an airline is definitely something interesting for a future pilot.

12th Apr 2017, 18:53
I'd actually recommend getting some airline experience, over studying towards some bogus degree such as those provided by CTC..

12th Apr 2017, 22:24
Did you even read what I wrote?

It's not the best way to train, that's debatable.

You are not financially better off than a normal course, as long as you're willing to wait around and apply your tits off until you find a job.

50 000€ gross (in Belgium!!) over 3 years, working only 8-9 months a year, is a :mad: deal financially.

The good thing is the guaranteed job and (hopefully, but unlikely as they're mostly short on E-jet crew) a 737 TR/hrs.

12th Apr 2017, 22:44
It's not the best salary for sure, but you'll have a salary while studying for your MPL and won't end up with a 120K GBP debt. What I'm saying is that you'll be able to live with 50K over 3 years and end up with at most 30K in debt. Instead of having to pay to live during the training and borrow 100 000 pounds...

13th Apr 2017, 11:04
A created a facebook group for the guys who are interested in joining the scheme. Feel free to join it: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1510278648996483/
Clementijn did you get news btw ?

13th Apr 2017, 16:18
Wether it is not the best way to train or not is debatable. If you train via CPL/IR and jave a frozen ATPL, you have a bit more exoerience flying one engine aircraft, while MPL training gives the trainee more experience via the simulator in the airplane you're gonne fly after you obtain your licence. And after you obtained 1500 flight hours and have unfrozen your ATPL, it doesn't matter if you did it via MPL or CPL/IR. If you follow integrated course CPL/IR or MPL, either way you're inexperienced when you start flying, as was every pilot once.

Financially, this is for me the best scheme available. I will be able to live with family at Zaventem, so my whole salary is going to pay of my 30K student debt. After training, I have guaranteed employment at TUI for 24 months (spread over 36), in which it is most likely I will obtain 1500 flight hours and unfreeze my ATPL.

MPL-way = unfrozen ATPL and no debt at all

CPL/IR-way = frozen ATPL and +100 000€ in debt, because neither my parents or I can pay for it.

I won't enter the MPL/FATPL debate - Because even airlines don't know which is best. If it was absolutely perfect, everybody would do it. So far, airlines ONLY do it because it's cheaper. That said, it's different for sure, and I'm interested to see how it develops in the future!

Just FYI, I did not even spend 100 000€ (including my TR). You're being ripped off.

I made close to 50 000€ gross per year just with my uni degree at age 25. It's really not that special. 50 000€ gross spread out over 3 years is absolutely disgusting.

Don't get me wrong - you take what you can get in this industry - but ffs, stop jerking off TUI or the MPL scheme just because it's what you signed up for :ugh:

Edit - Also, why the f are you comparing the MPL license after unfreezing the APTL (so basically 3 years in, at best because you still need to pass the test etc) to the CPL/fATPL path, right out of training? Anyway, have fun living on 1400€ a month after taxes for three years. It's beyond stupid, even as an 18 year old kid living with his parents.

Good luck to everybody interested.

13th Apr 2017, 20:23
Does anyone know what they mean by "basic knowledge"...?

13th Apr 2017, 21:28
I guess it's equivalent to the A2 (maybe B1) Common European Framework level. You should be able to have a basic conversation:

-Can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment).
-Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters.
-Can describe in simple terms aspects of their background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need.

Imagine you're a Belgian Dutch speaking passenger and talk to the pilot of a Belgian airline who doesn't speak dutch at all, that wouldn't give a good impression of the airline...

13th Apr 2017, 21:55
I guess it's equivalent to the A2 (maybe B1) Common European Framework level. You should be able to have a basic conversation.
What you describe is probably not A2, but somewhat higher. Anyway, since they state "Language (basic knowledge): English - Dutch – French", and you absolutely need to pass the ICAO level 4 test, which is probably closer to B2, I really doubt it's actually "basic"...

13th Apr 2017, 22:21
Well it's written basic, so I'm giving the description of what basic level is. I'm referring to facts, not what I doubt or don't doubt about.

13th Apr 2017, 22:21
I think they mean Level A1 ..atleast that is what my Dutch colleagues are telling me. However for competency reasons I would expect a much higher level is intended here.

13th Apr 2017, 22:41
I also assume you do not have to be a Belgium citizen to apply??? Otherwise they would have specified perhaps

13th Apr 2017, 22:43
Well it's written basic, so I'm giving the description of what basic level is. I'm referring to facts, not what I doubt or don't doubt about.

Yeah, it's also written basic English, and ICAO 4 is not basic as in the description you provided. That's a fact, no matter how they call it or how haughty you decide to act. I just expressed my concern over that. Hope Efato75 is right.

13th Apr 2017, 23:49
This is great, unfortunately despite a GCSE in French I have no clue of Dutch so I guess that rules me out.

Hopefully if this scheme works wonders (which I'm sure it will) we may hopefully see it rolled out with TUI UK in the future!

I doubt you will be required to provide proof that you can speak the languages .I stand to be corrected .
As long as you are versed to the acceptable level and can pass the language tests if any then you stand a good chance.

18th Apr 2017, 08:21
Got a rejection email last night, they said my CV showed a lot of qualities but my profile was not suitable.

UK citizen, LAPL, 64 hours, BSc degree, 6 years experience as a web dev, mother english, basic dutch and french.

Asked for more clarity on why my profile "was not suitable" but doubt I'll get anything more.

18th Apr 2017, 10:28
Oh damn. When did you send your application ? So that everyone knows what response time that they need to wait.

So you didn't got a feedback ?

18th Apr 2017, 11:16
Can't remember the exact date but I think it was last Thursday and no detailed feedback.

23rd Apr 2017, 17:12
Has anyone else applied ?

25th Apr 2017, 21:14
Did some of you got answer from tui ? I know they started sending emails for the selection.
And for info we have a facebook group so for questions feel free to join :)

26th Apr 2017, 14:15
I know they started sending emails for the selection.
That's interesting to hear actually. Their open house day is on the 6th of May so one would assume they would wait with sending out invitations until everybody has got the chance to be properly informed about the program.

27th Apr 2017, 15:01

Do you have any idea how these 3 years are splitted ?

I mean how much time for ground school, line training etc

28th Apr 2017, 10:42
Got rejection email from the HR, saying "your profile looks promising but unfortunately we can't continue with your application."

Did anyone receive any feedback as well ?

I was wondering what exactly they are looking for as i have 4 years experience in Aircraft Engineering , holding an Engineering degree and also has basic knowledge in dutch and french.

28th Apr 2017, 12:11
I got the rejection email last night stating ,

"Your candidature shows a number of valuable skills and is certainly interesting for our company. At this moment, however, we will not continue with your application since you were not our final choice to fill this particular job vacancy"

25 hours PPL ,2 years Aeronautical Engineering study BEng, worked in an aviation environment (ramp) .Good Dutch and French speaking ability.Airport security trained. Brit.

I suspect priority will be given to Belgium/Dutch/French nationals and those with no experience at all in flying.

The journey continues ...into solo hour building .

Good luck to those who have applied.

28th Apr 2017, 12:23
I suspect priority will be given to Belgium/Dutch/French nationals

Suspect you are right, wonder why they open it to anyone if that is their desire. Maybe it's not as simple as that, suppose they don't know what kind of response they will get.

28th Apr 2017, 12:54
They changed the language requirements as well I believe. Now they ask for fluent Dutch besides the usual English requirement.

5th May 2017, 08:51
Hello !

Just received the rejection email as well :

It is clear, from your curriculum vitae, that you have many qualities that make you stand out

I'm 24, French national, 20h of flight, Software engineer, French mother tongue, very good knowledge of Engligh, very basic knowledge of Dutch.

I wonder what kind of profile they look for.


5th May 2017, 22:45
I wonder what kind of profile they look for.


10th May 2017, 11:33
Yes indeed. They are looking for Belgians. I applied a month ago out of curiosity. They didn't send me an email but they called me yesterday and left a voicemail saying they got a few questions for me. Now I'm calling back and they are not picking up but I'll wait I guess.

My profile is basic, I'm 20 years old going to highschool studying System Engineering (IT). No experience at all even tho I did the CAE Oxford selection tests.

14th Jun 2017, 12:57
I have applied for it like 2 weeks ago but still no answer... could someone tell me if it's normal or not ??

14th Jun 2017, 20:47

What do they test you on? Is it your typical Compass test?

18th Jul 2017, 01:40
Seeing a lot of questions about the selection so thought I'd give my 2 cents.

I'm a 25 year old software developer (bachelors degree in compsci) from antwerp with a passion for aviation. Got my ppl about a year ago and have about 100 hours on record. Fluent in English and dutch but only basic skills in French (apparently not an issue).

Applied at tui because why not about 3 weeks ago and am being rushed through selection. Or so it feels at least.

Over the course of those weeks I've done:

- phone interview to ask about motivation and test English skills
- online IQ and personality test
- compass test
- onsite interview with 2 people from hr asking about motivation (again), what I'd do in certain situations and conflicts, how I handle stress, how I work in team, test my French,... Normal interviewing stuff basically.

Got the call past Friday that they like me and want to invite me for the final test coming Thursday. Apparently I'll be having a talk with some senior pilots and managers at tui about stuff (really not sure what to expect).

Should that go well then I'm in.

So age doesn't seem to be that important but it does seem like they prioritise Belgian nationals.

Also a bigger emphasis on dutch and English than French.

And you need a really good score on those IQ tests.

23rd Jul 2017, 22:58
It was as you said but I talked with just two people, a pilot/instructor and an hr person, not three.

Other than that the conversation went as you described. Quite a bit of overlap with my initial interview too (why tui, why mpl, tell us about yourself,... More basic interviewing stuff) but also a couple of questions that surprised me.

For instance the pilot guy asked whether I thought the program was safe and if the candidates would have the same qualifications as someone who did it the old fashioned way or someone who has a cpl and 3000 hours to his name.

All in all it went well (I think), I should know if I'm accepted or not somewhere next week.

31st Jul 2017, 17:44
Got the same mail so don't count yourself out just yet. Initially they told me to expect a phonecall somewhere this week and to call them if I hadn't heard anything by this Friday.

But now I don't know if I should... They're cutting it really close if they want to start in September though.

3rd Aug 2017, 10:22
I passed the pilot jury the 11th July,I called them today to get some news but they told me that they are still thinking about my candidature and I will get some news for max 15/08.

If someone who passed the jury get news?

11th Aug 2017, 16:56
Got a phonecall today and its a no for me. They said I was a suitable candidate and had passed all their tests.

But I didn't make the top 12 apparently.


18th Apr 2018, 16:45
Hi everyone,

I had the first phone meeting today and I have until Saturday to do the IQ test. Do you have any information about the type of test it will be? Have you got any advice to prepare for this test? Thanks in advance if you have any information :)

Do you know how many people applied for the 1 year course and how many they will finally select?

Is the IQ test considered as difficult? Has everyone been phoned after having made the application or is the first step very selective?

I have quite a lot of stress concerning this test so don't hesitate to tell me how to handle it :)

Have a nice day!

23rd Apr 2018, 16:28

As far as I know, they are searching for 30 to 40 pilots. They did mention though that they could end up with 20 or less if they don’t find enough suitable candidates.

They will recruit more people for the 3 years program than the 1,5 years program. How much exactly they didn’t say.

Silver, I hope your IQ test went well? Did you hear anything from them after it?

24th Apr 2018, 09:24
Thanks a lot for your reply Wfpf!
It's reassuring to learn that they accept more candidates than last year. Yes it went right and I'm coming to Brussels on the 3rd of may in order to do the compass test!

Do you have any idea about how many candidates are eliminated after the IQ tests, and how many of us have the chance to take the compass test?

Thanks for your information,

24th Apr 2018, 13:16
Hey Silver,

I have no idea about how many people they eliminate after each round, but I do know that IQ test is based on a master level. I assume they do eliminate quite a decent amount of applicants. But if you’re doing well and they believe you have potential, the selection will take less than 2 weeks (read: from phone call to jury).

25th Apr 2018, 16:47
Ok thanks a lot for your answer! If the proportions are the same this year we should be like 200-250 to go tu the compass test then :)

Do you have any advice to prepare for this test for those who already have taken this type of test?

Thanks in advance,


9th May 2018, 19:57
Hi everyone,

Anyone knows the different steps (I heard that there is an e-learning part?) of the training and the location(s)?

Thanks in advance

17th May 2018, 12:58
Hi everyone,
I also got the compass test in a couple of weeks with TUI.

If some of you already did that compass test. Can you give me some tips / tricks for some good preperation for it?

Best regards,

18th May 2018, 15:23
I received their standard rejection e-mail after only 2 business days. I'm Belgian, 34 years old, speak the 3 languages and a few more, carefully documented my motivation and covered all official requirements. When I asked for feedback, they let me know a background in maths or physics would have been a hard requirement and besides, they prefer people with previous experience in the aviation world.
Makes me wonder if any 30-somethings made it through to the compass test?

28th May 2018, 23:55
Hey guys,

I am 18 years of age, 19 in june. Currently studying IT at HoGent. Belgian with Turkish roots. Speak dutch and english very well, only basic french. Applied a couple weeks ago and have gone through the phone interview, online iq test and the compass test. Going in for the onsite interview tomorrow. We'll see how it goes but seeing that they will apparently hire 30-40 pilots as opposed to the 15 of last year, I am pretty hopeful.

16th Jun 2018, 23:52
Hi guys,

I'll introduce myself quickly:
- French
- 22 YO
- Fluent English and good German speaking (no Dutch)

I passed the phone interview and the IQ test. They called me the day right after I passed the IQ test to invite me in Brussels to pass the Compass test. I will pass it in early July, and I hope it will go well :)
Let me know what you thought about the Compass Test if someone passed it please ;)

21st Jun 2018, 14:08
Safar, it is the case for the 3.3 years program, but not for the 1.5. I'm French and don't speak Dutch, and I've been selected for the 1.5 years track.
Also apparently they will take 15 candidates for the 3.3 years program and 20 for the 1.5.

Good luck to those who are in the selection process!
Fingers crossed.

3rd Jul 2018, 06:32
Hey Silverblt.
Congratulations with your selection! Did they call you or were you the one that contacted them?
I'm still waiting for my feedback after the jury, it's been two months now.

28th Apr 2019, 14:29
I am wondering for how many they are looking this year and if you can get the 30K funded with an Belgian bank as EU citizen

Good afternoon Safar1,

Last year 12 individuals started with the classic track, of which 9 are begian and 3 are dutch. For this year I am guessing Tui is looking for the same amount, however since no fast track will start this year there should be more room for the classic track. Just some food for thought since I havent seen any definitive numbers.

I called Belfius about the loan, and I advise you to do the same Theyll give you some quick advice about what you can and cannot loan. Belfius confirmed to me that I should be able to get a loan and that they worked with TUI in the past. For this year its not yet confirmed.

Anyway, good luck with figuring it all out. :ok:

9th May 2019, 11:40
Hello everyone,

Has anyone recently attended TUI's assessment ? If so, would you mind sharing the details. Like others, I am extremely keen on joining TUI.

11th May 2019, 09:43
The first three rounds have been successfully for me. Currently preparing for the fourth round, better known as Compass.

These first three rounds are exactly like what they're described like on the TUI site. Don't stress too much about it, its more of a pre selection in my eyes. Good luck though.

20th May 2019, 09:04
Hello everyone,

My Compass test for TUIfly is coming in a few weeks.
Has anyone done it yet, if so does anyone have tips??
What kind of Mathematics and Physics do they ask?

8th Jun 2021, 12:55
Would be a sensible thing to do.

For anyone looking at starting flight training at this moment , a little bit of advise (regardless of whether it is a good idea or not to start training in the first place). Do not pay large schools that are currently surfing on the airline connections of the past large sums of money up front in the hope of having a stepping stone to an airline job.

Find a place where you can do the PPL at first and progress to advanced training when and if you wish.

There are currently plenty of flight schools that are about to fall over and will use their "reputation with the airlines" to convince you to give them your money.

Avoid integrated (full payment in advance) and go modular (spread payments).