View Full Version : Liquids for aircrew and airport staff

21st Feb 2017, 16:18

Well worth a debate on these rules imho.

The blanket implementation of the liquid ban was required, but surely this can now be examined if it still needs to be in place.

Any thoughts?

Piltdown Man
22nd Feb 2017, 09:30
The muppets invokved in UK aviation security are so out of touch with reality it is laughable. When you have drugs problem in supposedly secure institutions like prisons how can you honestly expect leaky airports to be secure? The farce of airport security is merely window dressing placed to placate the public. Don't get me wrong, we need security at airport's to prevent the bad guys from getting themselves and the things they need onto aircraft but the current system is not fit for purpose. Design a proper system and things like liquids ban will not be an issue.

22nd Feb 2017, 15:40
but the current system is not fit for purpose.

e.g. Airside shop worker has trays of bottled water go through the security scanner at crew check-point. Gallons of the stuff. All deemed to be OK. The following crew member, using the same scanner, can not bring a 330ml bottle through. Go figure! Give me a wall and I'll give myself a headache. :ugh: Bit like the 2 Robo-cops armed to the teeth, but my cutlery is deemed too offensive. It used to start the day off with a real zen/meditation test. Lots of deep breathing. The only relief I could achieve was to joke with, and receive a sympathetic response from, the 'jobs worth' who had to spend their shift guarding the citadel. Glad to be shot of it; if that expression is not too non-PC. :rolleyes:

Piltdown Man
22nd Feb 2017, 19:51
RAT5 - Precisely. Flash a pass from any airport other than the one you are flying from and you are let through. Absolutely nobody checks to see whether you are meant to be there or not and no other form of ID is checked. So as long as you are not carrying a pointy yoghurt or an offensive shirt you can depart in a fully fuelled aircraft to anywhere you want. Simple big picture - little picture stuff.