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View Full Version : Is there such a thing as a "restriction" on a Class 1 medical?

shy ted
12th Feb 2017, 09:23
Have seen a number of job ads which specify "Class 1 medical with no restrictions".

Is there such a thing as a "restriction" on a Class 1?

Mine has a couple of "limitations" (such as VDL, and the far more limiting OML). I appreciate that in common parlance "limitation" and "restriction" might be considered to be synonymous, but this is aviation where words have a specific meaning (ever tried asking for a revalidation when what you need is a renewal?).

The only "restriction" listed on the CAA website is "RAI" ("Restricted to operations for Airbus Industries only")!

Yes, I know the answer is to contact the recruiter but unfortunately most of them won't respond to queries. I think I know what the answer is (which is that OML would be considered a "restriction" whereas a "VDL" wouldn't), but I doubt if I will ever find out as my applications will just disappear down a black hole and I won't hear back ........

28th Feb 2017, 19:28
'As or with a co-pilot' was applied to my Class One when I was experiencing some cardiac problems some years ago. I continued to fly with this restriction for a number of weeks whilst awaiting the results of a 24 hour ECG to be reviewed by the CAA's consultant cardiologist.

No Fly Zone
2nd Mar 2017, 09:40
The most common is probably eye glasses!

2nd Mar 2017, 15:02
I seem to remember many years ago a captain who had impaired vision in his right eye. He was allowed to continue flying with his medical endorsed 'As or with a co-pilot' so long as he occupied only the left seat.

20th Mar 2017, 23:07
I recently did a aviation pilot medical out of curiosity (I am a LAME) because I have an issue with my right eye where I have peripheral vision but looking straight ahead it has some issues and was told by the examiner that I could get a restricted class 1 medical which they said I could only become an FO and not a captain. Still wouldn't mind but I'm sure airlines these days wouldn't be to keen.

Loose rivets
27th Mar 2017, 14:04
I expect you've had good advice, but I've recently had a vitrectomy and peel and some of the scar tissue was peeled from over the fovea. One never knows just what's possible these days.

but I doubt if I will ever find out as my applications will just disappear down a black hole and I won't hear back ........

Mmm, reminds me of the Chief Pilot who glared at the huge pile of applications on his desk. He put half of them in the bin and said, "The last thing I need is unlucky pilots".

29th Mar 2017, 12:08
I think the initial Class One must be issued without OML endorsement.

Perhaps an AME could confirm this......

29th Mar 2017, 12:54
Talking about UK CAA land here. That was the case in the past, however it changed briefly under EASA briefly to allow an initial to be issued with an OML. Now it has now changed back so an OML can only be added to an existing Class 1, not on initial issue.