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View Full Version : Work Shadow Day??

6th Feb 2017, 09:49

My son (he's 11 years old) is very interested in becoming a Pilot, it's about the only thing he's kept a continued interest in when asked what he wants to do when he's older :-)

He's already been up in a light aircraft PA-28, back seat while I had a flying lesson, he's also had a couple of hours of stick time in a 737-800 non motion @ virtual aviation in Northampton.

We live in Hertfordshire in the UK and his school is doing a work shadowing day on the 7th of March 2017.

It would be great if I could find something for him to do for the day which is to do with flying, not sure this is the right place to post this but I wasn't really sure which other forum to try?

Be happy to provide some funding if it also meant he could get up in the air during the day for a few minutes.


6th Feb 2017, 15:24
Best idea would be to phone around a few of the flying clubs in your area at the smaller airfields near you. Others on prune may have some ideas or offer an invite.

PM me if you want any further ideas.

6th Feb 2017, 15:27
I am sure that if you were to talk to a local flying club they might be able to come up with something. Other options might be to go up to the Shuttleworth Collection at Old Warden or the RAF Museum at Hendon.