View Full Version : CRI & CAA FI(SLMG) Renewal

good finish
30th Dec 2016, 12:05
CRI has expired 3 years ago.
CAA FI (SLMG) is current and due for renewal in June.
my question is can i renew these ratings at the same time in my own aircaft - an EASA CofA Super Ximango motorglider - with the same instructor?
I have drawn a blank within the BGA world.
anyone out there a) know the answer and b) qualified and willing to do?
many thanks

31st Dec 2016, 13:54
For your CRI renewal, you will need to complete training as required plus an assessment of competence in accordance with FCL.940.CRI(c). The test could include renewal of your FI(SLMG) where relevant exercises are included. This training/test could all be completed in your aircraft assuming it is suitably equipped and at the discretion of the ATO (for the training) and the discretion of the examiner (for the test).

There are currently four FIE(A) with TMG privileges in the UK who could conduct both the training and test. The CAA now produce a list of FIEs, look for an FIE(A) with TMG listed in the far right hand column:



good finish
2nd Jan 2017, 09:36
Really helpful - thank you very much ifitaint.

2nd Jan 2017, 15:36
Check your PMs.
