View Full Version : Unfriendly airfields South of the border?

21st Dec 2016, 14:16

Sorry, thought you guys would get a kick out of this pic ! Poor old Comanche

21st Dec 2016, 14:58
Hundreds of Wooden Arrows Pierce Airplane from Below - My Modern Met (http://mymodernmet.com/los-carpinteros-the-carpenters-aviao)

Jan Olieslagers
21st Dec 2016, 15:39
South of the border?


21st Dec 2016, 16:04
Why didn't they use an Arrow...oh never mind!

21st Dec 2016, 20:33
A Native American "artist" displayed a Jodel, with the fuselage crushed by a large rock, somewhere in the EU a few years ago.

India Four Two
21st Dec 2016, 22:35
Very interesting but a sad end for a Comanche.

They must be Ute arrows. :E

The name "Comanche" is from the Ute name for them, kɨmantsi (enemy).


I have to say, when I saw your title, I thought I would be reading about unhappy experiences south of Hadrian's Wall!

22nd Dec 2016, 06:09
I have to say, when I saw your title, I thought I would be reading about unhappy experiences south of Hadrian's Wall!

Nope, always found the natives down in Englandshire damned friendly and rather helpful especially when I needed something fixed while passing through. 3 that come to mind are Beverly, Shoreham and top marks to the field just east of Yoevilton air base whose name escapes me but the owner could not help enough when I diverted in there to fix a dodgy fuel pump prior to coasting out on my trip to San Sebastián.

22nd Dec 2016, 11:52
Nope, always found the natives down in Englandshire damned friendly and rather helpful especially when I needed something fixed while passing through. 3 that come to mind are Beverly, Shoreham and top marks to the field just east of Yoevilton air base whose name escapes me but the owner could not help enough when I diverted in there to fix a dodgy fuel pump prior to coasting out on my trip to San Sebastián.


22nd Dec 2016, 13:27

That's the one

23rd Dec 2016, 08:48
Looks like a mock up. The undercarriage doesn't look right, no scissor links, no gear doors. I wonder how much of the rest of it is just made up.

23rd Dec 2016, 09:38
Think it is a mock up, but I seen a vid were an airplane flew over an uncontacted tribe in the Amazon and they were firing arrows at the plane. The fools, didn't they realize the 1st world could have introduced them to our version of democracy, misold PPI's, Jeremy Kyle and at least 4 untreatable strains of the clap!

23rd Dec 2016, 12:06
Looks like a mock up. The undercarriage doesn't look right, no scissor links, no gear doors. I wonder how much of the rest of it is just made up.

Think it is a mock up,

did you not read the link I posted (see post #2)? It's an art piece! For once, a reason to go to a modern art museum!

23rd Dec 2016, 17:03
Yes, I did read the article. I was making the observation that rather than having used a real aircraft, as it t might appear they had used a " model".

23rd Dec 2016, 17:53
Why didn't they use an Arrow...oh never mind!
Because a Tomahawk would have been thrown at them.