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surface wind
5th Jul 2002, 21:48

Just back after a trip with GO. My kinds loved the wee jingle played at the end of the safety announcment. Any chance of getting a copy?

By the way however flew me back from Nice to Stansted on the 4th great landing. Same can't be said for the trip down on the 26th June. Remember you are allowed to flare BEFORE touchdown!!!!

Surface Wind

P.S. Why are the cabin lights switched off at night before departure?

Pilot Pete
6th Jul 2002, 02:02
So that when it all goes wrong and the Captain abandons on the runway and orders an evacuation you stand a better chance of seeing where you are going as you slide down into the darkness.

PP :)

6th Jul 2002, 13:16
OK surfacewind, how many landings have you done in a 737 ? There's an expert born every minute.

Wet Power
6th Jul 2002, 13:34
Totally agree, Herod.

I suggest 'surface wind' gets an old copy of The Krypton Factor to remind him how many members of the public managed to get the airliner on the runway in one piece!

Very few - and they didn't have to worry about the throttles as a qualified pilot was controlling those.

6th Jul 2002, 14:03
Ooops SW you have only gone and upset them!! A missing :D I think? Glad to hear you are back although the choice of music?? must phone the nspcc.Never mind content yourself with the next time one asks about speed control.... number in traffic .....why can't we have such and such level...that very few members of the general public etc etc etc ....come on guys sense of humour required!!!:D :D

6th Jul 2002, 19:17
Oh come on Herod, get a sense of humour.

And as for your mate Wet Power, I feel it's only fair to point out that them on The Kypton Factor didn't have years of training either.

Even after all those years of training and practice there are some landings that aren't everything that we'd all like them to be (pilots and pax alike).

And before you dash to look at my profile - I couldn't land a 737. On the other hand, I doubt that many pilots could vector a bunch of airplanes around the sky, but that doesn't stop a good few of them saying they could do better! Experts everywhere, huh?

7th Jul 2002, 07:14
Glad you liked the jingle Surface Wind however it's copyright protected so you've no chance of legally obtaining a copy unless you pay us loads of dosh!
The Riviera and Blue Bay approaches into Nice are two of the most interesting :eek: approaches to fly from a pilot's viewpoint due to ATC, noise abatement and terrain considerations...pity we don't have "Krypton Factor" type cameras looking forward from the flight deck, then you'd see what I mean ;).
Herod's displeasure with your comment re. the landing into Nice is understandable, this chap has done more landing's than I've had hot dinners...one of which saved the lives of his pax and crew, be nice to him chaps...you may be relying on his skills one day :)

7th Jul 2002, 15:09
Yes, you're right; I must be getting crabby in my old age. Didn't realise you were a controller, surface wind, I guess you're allowed to comment. No, I couldn't do your job. Incidentally, last week I pulled off my first "are we down yet?" greaser in the 73. This after 1700 hours on type and about 17,000 total - pure luck I hasten to add. Hello again nightstop, I guess the future's sort of a yellowish/orangeish colour.

surface wind
7th Jul 2002, 21:00
Dear Herod

Sorry I upset you, as Crotalus has pointed out there were not enough :D :D in my comments. I was only joking, honest.

Anyway how many planes have YOU vectored onto the ILS :D :D naa na na naa na

Surface Wind

Wet Power
8th Jul 2002, 12:14
Personally, I wouldn't come out with smart alec comments about another professions performance whether I was just about to have my appendix out and suggested to the surgeon how much aneasthetic I should have or I was on a visit to a ATC unit and leaned over the radar directors shoulder and suggested he could have got the Easyjet 73 in a bit closer behind the British Airways shuttle.

Firm landings are the norm and how it should be done - smooth landings are a bonus.

surface wind
8th Jul 2002, 15:34
Dear Wet Power,

You obviously don't get the joke in any of my comments. Please get a life!!

Surface Wind