View Full Version : C172 Numero Uno

23rd Nov 2016, 03:13
Was riding the Aircraftspruce shuttle van from the store back to Corona airfield today, got chatting to the guy next to me and he tells me he's flying C172 Serial number 1 !! Arrive back at the field and his beauty was parked next to me.


(Tried to upload more pics but the upload failed if someone can figure out how to post my 2 other pics I'll email them to you)

23rd Nov 2016, 13:29
If you click on 'Go Advanced' next to the 'Post Quick Reply' button, the page will change slightly and you'll see a paperclip towards the top middle of the text box. This allows you to post multiple images.

Hope this was of assistance :)


23rd Nov 2016, 16:58
Shame about the horrible jumble of wires and the tablet stuck on the yoke. I hope that isn't a headset hanging right by the compass.
On the plus side, the panel seems really well preserved, I wish later aircraft were as long-lasting. Interesting instrument layout...

Thanks for sharing. Look forward to the other pics.


23rd Nov 2016, 22:23
From 1955?

23rd Nov 2016, 23:37
Haha TOO - that's the headset hanging OFF of the compass I believe!!

Very well preserved! :)