View Full Version : Long haul max duty time

3rd Sep 2016, 12:20
Having difficulty getting my head around ORO FTL 205 regarding absolute maximum crew duty period.

My understanding is that if acclimatised the max daily FDP with crew rest and two additional crew members ( but before Capt discretion) is 17 hours.


Table three says if unacclimatised max FDP ( before discretion) is 11 hours ....but appears to be associated with short haul / no crew rest operation.

The question is if a crew is unacclimatised but has two additional crew members what is the max FDP they can apply ( wth and without discretion)

3rd Sep 2016, 13:46
Interesting question. From what i read in FTL.205 and CS FTL.205 there seems to be no difference between acclimatised and non acclimatised if you do plan with an augmented crew.

4th Sep 2016, 00:03
I agree...that is the way it looks......so a two man crew unacclimatised can perform an 11 hour FDP Without going into discretion. A three man crew with any member unacclimatised can complete six hours longer (17 hour duty) ....as long as they have a minimum of 90 mins rest each.
In reality (as cabin crew typically have less rest than flight crew) page 33 means that the cabin crew limitations are likely to be the limiting factor to any extension.

4th Sep 2016, 09:36
Actually, the pilot at the control for the landing needs at least 2 hours consecutive rest for any extended flight duty due to in flight rest.

4th Sep 2016, 10:25
True...two hours ( not 90 minutes). It seems odd that the cabin crew with limited cognitive requirements to perform their duty will almost certainly require more rest than the pilots?