View Full Version : China visa ...?

8th Jul 2016, 12:37
Hi there,

What Chinese visa would you recommend me for a private flight in, about 1 or 2 day stay and back with a commercial flight (most likely from Shanghai ?)

Thanks in advance,


10th Jul 2016, 10:30
I believe business or crew visa should be both suitable.
Just involve your handler and have them confirm to you that you'll be able to land as crew and depart as pax with the visa you intend to have.

12th Jul 2016, 02:06
You don't need a "M" (business) Visa. You can get one if you want but you'll need a letter of invitation. You could do a "C" (crew) visa or "L" (tourist) Visa. The requirements for Visa's change all the time so check with your handler on what you'll need on your trip.

These may be of some help...

China Overflight and Landing Permits ? Part 1: Changes in Lead Times and Revisions | Universal® Operational Insight Blog (http://www.universalweather.com/blog/2014/02/china-overflight-and-landing-permits-part-1-changes-in-lead-times-and-revisions/)

China Overflight and Landing Permits ? Part 2: Permit Considerations | Universal® Operational Insight Blog (http://www.universalweather.com/blog/2014/02/china-overflight-and-landing-permits-part-2-permit-considerations/)

galaxy flyer
12th Jul 2016, 02:50
Be very careful--if you are crew, you must travel on a crew visa; if pax on business, a business visa. If crew entering as crew, but airlining out--you must have a letter in Mandarin and English explaining why you entered as crew but are traveling out on an airliner.

I have seen this done wrong and it will be painful. Jepp or UV handlers should be able to work the details. I've done it right and it's simple. We had a crew change during the trip, the details were missed, the crew member stayed in a rather tatty hotel on the airport for the night, missing their flight.


12th Jul 2016, 03:51
And you need to be on the Gen Dec. In and out. If for some reason you come in on Gen Dec and they need to commercial you home you're in deep ****.
Best is to get a letter of invitation for $75 (many sources, very common) then send it and the application to Visa Express, and get a ten year, unrestricted in and out, 60 day stay business visa. That way you can commercial in and Gen Dec out and vice versa and you'll never have a problem. Costs about $500 but is tax deductible.

18th Jul 2016, 01:10
Get yourself a business visa. You may normally only hold one China visa at a time, so make it a useful one.

The added flexibility will pay for any up front fiddling, and you can avoid the additional time and costs of special handling letters and escort staff if you have to enter or depart as pax on a commercial flight (or by road!).

I've had a hot/cold relationship with crew visas over the past ten years. After being intercepted by immigration for the umpteenth time for repositioning on a commercial flight with a crew visa, the CIQ supervisor told me to get a business visa and stop causing trouble. Good advice! I have never had a problem with a business visa, travelling as crew or as pax.

Regardless: keep your handler in the loop with what you have. They can't help if they don't know.

Happy trails