View Full Version : EASA PPL in the USA - School recommendations

3rd May 2016, 19:56
Hi all,

I'm currently doing a PPL in the UK at weekends alongside a full time job, which is proving frustrating in terms of making progress - I can't always go every weekend, and when I can it sometimes gets weathered off. No surprises there.

I'm thinking about finishing it off in the USA. So a couple of questions: If I was to go with 10 hours in the logbook and passes in all the theory exams, how long would I need to go for roughly? I have been quoted 5 weeks by AAA in San Diego which seems excessively long - perhaps they misunderstood my question. And which are the best schools out there for it?

Many thanks for any advice!

6th May 2016, 08:07
Hi. I actually got my license just over two years ago at EFT which is European Flight Training in Florida, they are based at Fort Pierce airfield which is very well set up. They have accommodation on site and you can sign up for a package that covers the complete PPL(A) and night rating.
Basically 5 weeks is about right but you have to take into consideration that weather still plays a part. You will not be able to take off or land on some days just die to cross wind or if the clouds are too low, so whilst weather is normally good, it took me 6 weeks to do my PPL, even though I'd passed all the exams in advance and I passed in under 60 hours. I think 12 days got wrote off due to weather or aircraft maintenance. Some other students cause aircraft down time.
I've stayed friends with my instructor and I fully recommend them

Hi all,

I'm currently doing a PPL in the UK at weekends alongside a full time job, which is proving frustrating in terms of making progress - I can't always go every weekend, and when I can it sometimes gets weathered off. No surprises there.

I'm thinking about finishing it off in the USA. So a couple of questions: If I was to go with 10 hours in the logbook and passes in all the theory exams, how long would I need to go for roughly? I have been quoted 5 weeks by AAA in San Diego which seems excessively long - perhaps they misunderstood my question. And which are the best schools out there for it?

Many thanks for any advice!

7th May 2016, 11:39
Thanks for that, really helpful. I thought 5 weeks seemed a bit long but I guess I've got unrealistic expectations there! Useful to hear that EFT are good, I've seen their website but it's always hard to tell from just a website.

8th May 2016, 10:23
I would second the 5 Weeks requirement.
I had 4 weeks reserved to finish it off when I had 9 hrs already on my logbook, albeit in Malaga. Of that I flew 10-12 days and other days either it was too windy, low ceiling, or the a/c was unavailable or the instructor was sick.
The best way to plan would be to learn from someone's experience who had been to the flight school you intend to join.

8th May 2016, 17:02
No problems, PM me if you want help/advice