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View Full Version : Determine taxi speed when decelerating after landing

4th Apr 2016, 08:31
Hey guys! As a spectator imagine that after landing at 120/130 knots visually assessing taxi speed and deceleration coul be out of whack.
In order to determine about 30 knots to close reverse and vacate the runway do you look at GS on the ND or is easy to determine visually, just looking outside?

Piltdown Man
4th Apr 2016, 09:55
You are right about speed perception during deceleration. You thing you are crawling along when you pass 80 Kts. But to judge your speed you use every resource available such as airspeed indicator, ground speed and of course you look out of the window. It's not difficult though. Regarding the speed for cancelling reverse, this sort if thing is very type specific - if you actually use it.


Private jet
4th Apr 2016, 12:06
Depends on the SOP's you are using of course. Usually the other pilot calls out the groundspeeds as you decelerate so that you know when to cancel the reverse and when you're going slow enough to go for an exit.

5th Apr 2016, 07:55
The other pilot usually calls out the airspeed. you can keep Reverse on until you come to a complete stop if you wanted to but thats not a realistic thing to do unless in a RTO.