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View Full Version : Flight Time Limits

25th Jun 2002, 10:46
Have you got access to a copy of CAP371? Is it possible to find details on the web?

We are probably all aware of the limits on Block hours for the year & 28 consecutive days, but are there limits on the company week or consecutive 7, 14 day periods?

Thanks in advance.

Captain Stable
25th Jun 2002, 11:10
There is a copy of FODCOM showing the proposed amendments and the full text of the proposed new version here (http://www.chirp.co.uk/library/Fodcoms/Fodc12-01.pdf)

The CAA website does not have CAP 371 available for download. :(

26th Jun 2002, 11:32

Big Tudor
26th Jun 2002, 12:43
Flex 33

The only Block Hour limitations under CAP371 are 28 consecutive days and 12 months.

Duty hours are regulated by 1week, 2week & 4week periods (calendar weeks, starting on a pre-defined day).

Days off are per 7 & 14 consecutive days, then by 4 & 12 calendar weeks, again the week starts on a pre-defined day.

aw ditor
30th Jun 2002, 16:46
CAP 371 can be purchased from:- 01242 235151 using a Credit Card.Company "approved" Schemes are usually at Section A7 of JAR-OPS 1 Ops.Manuals. Happy reading!!.